Dear Friend of Camp Infinity,

We want to let you know of a decision that the board has made concerning Camp Infinity. After a great deal of prayer, seeking counsel and deliberation, the board has decided to discontinue the ministries of Camp Infinity and cease all activities. This decision was an extremely difficult decision to make, but based on the issues that face Camp Infinity, we believe it is the correct decision. As you are aware, many ministries, including Camp Infinity, were greatly impacted by the restrictions that were put in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we were able to continue the ministry during this time, the number of campers who came each year dropped, and even after the COVID-19 pandemic ended, we continued to see the number of campers who were coming to camp decrease each year. This summer, we only had one week of camp because of the limited number of campers who came. We tried various forms of advertising and getting the word out about Camp Infinity, but none of our efforts were successful. Each year we have seen fewer and fewer campers come to camp, and with no prospects of increasing attendance, it is clear to us that we cannot continue to function.

However, COVID-19 was not the only reason that we had to decide to discontinue this ministry. For the first years of the ministry, we were able to use the facilities of another camp as a place to conduct Camp Infinity. A couple of years ago, that ministry changed its focus and informed us that we would no longer be able to use their facilities during the time we conducted camp. We searched the Kentucky area for other campsites, and eventually found another site. We have used that site for the last couple of years, and we were trying to work out a long-term agreement when we were informed that the campsite would no longer be available. After our previous search for campsites, we realized that there were no other options available to us. Now we had a camp with fewer and fewer campers and no place to meet.

As we considered the current situation we were in, we also looked around at other apologetics ministries and what is now being done, When Camp Infinity began, there were no other camps for apologetics, and specifically STEM-based apologetics, that we could find. Now, however, organizations like AIG (Answers In Genesis) are offering apologetics camps and STEM-based camps, and they have the resources to go beyond anything we would be able to accomplish. We came to realize that the need that was met only by Camp Infinity at her inception is now being met by other ministries.

My family and I had the wonderful privilege of being missionaries in Lithuania for over 8 years. Although we greatly enjoyed the opportunity to serve there, and we loved the people God brought into our lives, we eventually came to the realization that it was time for us to end our ministry there and move to another ministry. It was a very difficult decision, but we knew that God was changing our direction. The same is happening now with Camp Infinity.

As we look back over 11 years of seeing God work at Camp Infinity, we are so thankful for the thousands of lives that have been impacted. We have received a number of testimonies from various parents, campers and staff members, and we know that for every testimony we have received there have been many others who have been impacted through the ministry. The mother of one of the campers wrote, “God answered so many prayers with this camp for our family in ways we never would’ve expected!” Another parent stated, “I also love knowing that while at Ci, my boys are going to learn and have a blast all from a biblical worldview.” Those serving at Camp Infinity also saw how God was working. “The Lord knows what we need before we do. He works circumstances according to His will. He prepares us in ways we don't realize. We saw this multiple times throughout the summer.”

As we read in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven;”. We are so thankful that there was a season, there was a time and purpose for the ministry of Camp Infinity, and I am personally thankful that the Lord gave me the opportunity to be a part of it during this season. It is our prayer that the impact of what happened at Camp Infinity will be seen for years to come through the lives of those who were part of this wonderful ministry.

In Christ’s Service,

Dr. Bryan Malik
Chairman of the Board
Camp Infinity