When asked what type of young people are ideal for Camp Infinity, my typical response is "gifted ones with insatiable curiosity." Then I quickly follow up with "gifted in the sense of James 1:17." A gift is not something we earn or deserve. Gifts are given. Therefore, whatever abilities a young person has, they were given to him/her as a gift from the Creator. So the issue isn't if we have gifts, it is:
Camp Infinity is looking for young people to inspire to discover wonder and amazement in everything they see in the world around them and to teach them to face each day with an insatiable curiosity that drives them into a closer relationship with the Infinite One who created it all. Does your young person sometimes drive you crazy with "I have a question?" Are they always asking and trying to figure out why things work? If so, Ci may very well be the perfect place for you to invest in their future career and their faith.
At Ci, we seek to prepare a young person for life in a STEM career while helping them learn how to answer the really tough questions of life like:
I was once working with an exceptionally gifted person with high level of intelligence and creativity. We were working on the title for a book about his faith and accomplishments. I suggested "A Gifted Mind." He resisted that title until I reminded him of James 1:17. You see, it is all a matter of perspective. Once a gifted young person understands the biblical view of gifts, it makes all the difference and brings glory to the One who gave them the gifts.