Experience Science & Technology

Camp Infinity offers unforgettable STEM experiences.
Here is a sample of some the activities at past camps:

Picture of Robotics Lab

Robotics Lab

A Weeklong Experience

Discover the world of computers and robotics as you create and operate your own machines. Learn technology principles as you solve problems and conquer challenges creatively on a team.

Picture of Zip Line Physics

Zip Line Physics

Learn at High Speed

Fly through the air on the biggest and best zip line course in the Midwest. It’s high-speed learning about physics and velocity. More about the zip line course ».

Picture of Infinite Encryption

Infinite Encryption

Geocaching and Math Challenge

Geocaching is a hunt for hidden objects based on a Global Positioning System (GPS) location. Campers learn how a GPS works with satellites, how to operate a handheld GPS as well as understand coordinate measurements. As each team races to be the first to find all geocaches, they must solve mathematical riddles in order to receive their next coordinates.

Picture of Artemis Adventure

Artemis Adventure

Star Ship Simulator

This adventure simulates the bridge of a star ship. Campers work in groups of 4-5 to control the various stations. The objective is to survive the onslaught of multiple obstacles and enemies. Campers will learn to work as a team to complete their mission.

Picture of Tower Building

Tower Building

Structural Engineering

Campers are challenged to build a tower out of straws and tape. They learn the basics of tension and compression as they try to build a structure that can hold a specified weight. This activity also teaches kids teamwork.

Picture of Fingerprinting Lab

Fingerprinting Lab

God's Unique Design

In God’s perfect plan, He created each and every person unique from our DNA to the tips of our fingers. With this information we are able to identify an individual based on one fingerprint. This is important due to the crime that resulted from the fall. With the technology/science of identifying fingerprints we are able to fight against the effects of the fall.

Picture of Stargazing Night

Stargazing Night

Heavens Declare God's Glory

Stargazing is a unique way to use astronomy to study God’s creation. Campers are able to use the resources such as the planetarium and telescopes at the Creation Museum to study the handiwork of God (Ps 19:1-2). Using the technology of the planetarium and the pattern of the stars movements, they are able to see God’s Word as true as He speaks of the constellations of Pleiades and Orion in Job 38.

Picture of Fractals


Patterns in Creation

Fractals are amazing patterns found all over God’s creation. This type of pattern is the repeating of a shape or action on a smaller and smaller (or bigger and bigger) scale. Fractals are found in nature and biology and used in technologies such as antennas, computer generated images, medical research.

Picture of Capacitive Sensing

Capacitive Sensing

Magic of Touchscreens

Capacitive sensing is used in touchscreens, Touch ID, and theremins. Campers learn the basics of how capacitive sensing works in each case. They are then given various materials to build a stylus for their iPads. A theremin is also demonstrated, and campers are given the opportunity to interact with it.

Picture of Marshmallow Catapult

Marshmallow Catapult

Energy Transfer

After learning about the transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy the campers will design and experiment to create the best catapult to launch a marshmallow the farthest.

Picture of Chemical Energy

Chemical Energy

Human Energy Factory

Campers measure the amount of oxygen coming in and carbon dioxide going out of the body before and after activity.

Picture of Solar Ovens

Solar Ovens

Energy from Sun

Campers design and create an oven that will use the energy from the sun to cook s’mores.

Picture of Geodesic Dome

Geodesic Dome

Structural Engineering

Study structural engineering and apply teamwork to construct a geodesic dome. Campers find this very engaging as many of them have never worked with wrenches and screw drivers.

To see Highlights and a rundown of all the places you'll be visiting, see our full site

Special Sessions

Learn from leading scientists and creation apologists

At Camp Infinity you’ll get the unique opportunity to interact with experts who help you make creation apologetics personal. These daily sessions will allow you to learn new facts, ask big questions and discuss key issues. Featured sessions include:

  • Science Confirms the Bible
  • STEM Careers
  • STEM Synergy
  • The Wonders of the Cell
  • Carry out the Creation Mandate Thru STEM
  • Genetics, Evolution & Creation: Most Asked Questions
  • How to Think About Origins
  • Scientific Discovery: You Can't Get There Without Christ


Experts you’ll learn from at Camp Infinity

Picture of Ken Ham

The president/CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis-U.S. and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Ken Ham

Picture of Dr Georgia Purdom

Dr. Georgia Purdom is the first female PhD scientist engaged in full-time research and speaking on the Book of Genesis for a creationist organization. Dr Georgia Purdom

Picture of Dr Damadian

A Bible-believing Christian, this great inventor is convinced of the scientific truth of Genesis creation and its foundational importance to church and society. In 1969, against the established scientific community, he invented the MRI scanner. Dr Damadian

Picture of Dr Danny Faulkner

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner has a BS (Math), MS (Physics), MA, and PhD (Astronomy, Indiana University). For over 25 years he was on the faculty of the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught physics and astronomy. He was Chair of its Division of Math, Science, Nursing, and Public Health. Dr. Faulkner retired as a full professor and now holds the title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus. In January 2013 he joined Answers in Genesis and its Creation Museum full-time. He has published more than a hundred papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals. So far, Dr. Faulkner has published one book, Universe by Design. Dr Danny Faulkner

Picture of Jon Taylor

Jon's fascination with art began as a child as he watched my father present the Gospel through chalk talk art. Growing up in Brazil as a missionary kid offered little opportunity to receive formal art training; however, God provided many opportunities within the Brazilian culture to challenge Jon artistically. Jon Taylor

Picture of Dr Jeremy Ervin

Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings. As a certified 7-12th grade mathematics & science teacher, his research interest has been focused on STEM Literacy and aimed at building connections between teachers, professors, and teacher candidates (future teachers). Dr. Ervin’s expertise enables him to provide effective workshops on STEM education, technology integration, and curriculum design around Common Core Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Dr Jeremy Ervin

Picture of Joe Tyrpak

As a child Joe personally trusted Jesus. He earned his BS (Graphic Design), MA (Bible), MDiv, and is currently finishing his DMin (Applied Theology) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary under the direction of Jim Hamilton. Since 2005 Joe has served as a pastor at Tri-County Bible Church in Madison, Ohio. He has coauthored five booklets in the Gospel Mediations series published by churchworksmedia.com. He and his wife Hannah have three children whom they are seeking to raise in Jesus' nurture and admonition. Joe Tyrpak

Picture of Dr David Menton

Dr. Menton has a Ph.D. in cell biology from Brown University and served with distinction as Associate Professor of Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri for 34 years. A former professor at Washington University School of Medicine, Dr. Menton has seen audiences of all ages enjoy his well-illustrated (and often humorous) presentations on a variety of fascinating topics. Dr David Menton

Picture of Steve Ham

Steve Ham serves as Senior Director of Outreach for Answers in Genesis, overseeing the 250 conferences and other events that AiG typically holds each year. This oversight also includes AiG's international division, Answers Worldwide, which includes speaking tours overseas and a translations ministry (more than 75 languages). The younger brother of AiG President Ken Ham, Steve joined AiG in 2009. While in Australia, he helped establish a foundation to fund Christian ministries. Steve is the author of the new book In God We Trust: Why Biblical Authority Matters for Every Believer (2010) and other works, including the popular curriculum on creation evangelism entitled Answers for Life. He also co-authored Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World with his brother Ken. Steve's heart for evangelism and missions has resulted in serving on the boards of various Christian schools and missions organizations. Steve Ham

Picture of Bodie Hodge

A speaker, writer, and researcher for Answers in Genesis, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Bodie Hodge

Picture of Dr Tommy Mitchell

As a scientist, physician, and father, Dr. Mitchell has a burden to provide solid answers from the Bible to equip young people and adults to stand in the face of their personal tragedies and popular evolutionary misinformation. Dr Tommy Mitchell

Picture of Bryan Osborne

For 13 years Bryan taught Bible history in a public school and for nearly 20 years he has been teaching Christians to defend their faith. Bryan's love of the gospel and passion for revealing the truth of God's Word is contagious! You will love his practical, cutting-edge talks that reveal the importance of apologetics in evangelism and equip today's youth and families! Bryan Osborne