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A Theology of Technology

Fusing ideas from science and creation apologetics.

On our blog our friends of Camp Infinity connect STEM and a biblical worldview.

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When we think about Christmas...

When we think about Christmas...

One of the commands that God has given us in His word is to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” When we think of Christmas, one of the reasons for the hope that is in us is the fact that Christ came to earth to eventually die for us so that we might be with Him throughout eternity. Another reason, often not associated with Christmas, for the hope that is in us is that God always keeps His word. In Isaiah 7:14 we read, ...

Ci Campers Advanced to LEGO League World Championship! Camp Infinity

Ci Campers Advanced to LEGO League World Championship!

Our two kids Aiden & Emma Hobson were first introduced to Mindstorm Legos at camp infinity a few years ago. My son especially became obsessed with them and robotics and decided he wanted to form his own lego league team. He and my daughter started a team this past season that consisted of mostly homeschool kids with no other options for a team. They were able to win the regional competition…and against all odds this little rag tag homeschool team then went on to win the Ky State Championship and were invited to compete in the Lego League World Championship ...

We are pleased to announce our newest member of Ci 6.0 summer staff!! Camp Infinity

We are pleased to announce our newest member of Ci 6.0 summer staff!!

Here’s what Caleb shared about why he’s excited to teach at Ci this summer.  "I am a senior at Cedarville University, pursuing a degree in Chemistry Education and a minor in Biblical Studies. During my senior year of high school, I felt called to become a high school chemistry teacher and have been blessed to teach a variety of students and topics ranging from third grade Social Studies to AP Chemistry. I’m excited to serve as a STEM teacher this summer at Ci and look forward to the opportunity to build STEM curriculum based on a Christian worldview. I am ...

Scholarships Available for Ci 6.0 (Summer 2019) Camp Infinity

Scholarships Available for Ci 6.0 (Summer 2019)

God has blessed Ci with an amazing group of donors who love what we do and how we do it. Recognizing that the cost of a Ci summer camp experience is higher than the typical Bible camp experience, but less than typical STEM camps, we offer scholarship discounts to those who qualify. For more details just send us an email and share a little bit about your child's interest in STEM from a biblical worldview. 

Spring 2019 Newsletter Camp Infinity

Spring 2019 Newsletter

We have big news to announce to all our campers and their families. This news is both exciting and bittersweet, but we trust it is the Lord’s leading and it will be the beginning of an incredible new chapter in the history of Camp Infinity. [READ MORE] In just a few short months, Ci 6.0 kicks off as we welcome our first group of campers. We’re excited to meet our 2019 campers and thought we’d start the introductions now by letting you get to know our Ci 6.0 counselors.  [READ MORE] A huge part of Ci is our partnership with ...

Are We There Yet? Improvements in Astronomy Technology Camp Infinity

Are We There Yet? Improvements in Astronomy Technology

Danny R Faulkner I began to seriously study astronomy a half-century ago. I was in my freshman year of high school. The Apollo program was nearing its climax with the soon to be landing of the Apollo 11 on the lunar surface that summer. Many other circumstances in my life were focusing my attention on the passion for astronomy that I already had. It was a heady time. And life seemed so much simpler back then. Most households had only one telephone, and it was either attached to a wall in the kitchen or to a cord and was sitting ...

Trust in Lord and He Will Direct Your Paths Camp Infinity

Trust in Lord and He Will Direct Your Paths

  By Ben Torkelson   A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. (Proverbs 16:9) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5­–6) As a young man, I learned these verses and believed them, but one of the great joys of living life is watching the truths we know come to life. These verses became vividly true after I moved my family from Alaska to Kentucky and started my new job as a handyman in ...

Why Did We Choose The Human Body for Our Ci 6.0 Theme? Camp Infinity

Why Did We Choose The Human Body for Our Ci 6.0 Theme?

For each summer camp we choose a theme to structure our activities around. Each theme must be relevant in terms of STEM and have a direct tie-in to apologetics (faith-defense), biblical worldview, and what’s happening in our culture and in science. We take something that has been grossly misrepresented in our culture through false or inaccurate scientific claims and look at it through the lens of Scripture. Our 2019 theme for our sixth camp is the human body. With the increase in biological and machine interfaces, as well as a society that is becoming more willing to kill innocent babies for ...

Cincinnati Museum Center Reopens for 2019 Camp Infinity

Cincinnati Museum Center Reopens for 2019

The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter aren’t the only Northern Kentucky attractions to get upgrades. In previous years, Ci has taken campers to the Cincinnati Museum Center, a massive museum located in a beautiful old train station, Union Terminal, in Cincinnati. But in 2016 they closed for renovations, so we have been taking campers to the museum at Big Bone Lick State Park instead. These museum tours serve as part of our competing worldviews teaching. We highlight how the same evidence is presented at both the Creation Museum and a secular science museum but two completely different interpretations are reached ...

Exciting Upgrades at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter Camp Infinity

Exciting Upgrades at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

A huge part of Ci is our partnership with Answers in Genesis and their two themed attractions, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Much of our camp takes place at the Creation Museum and our overnight camps also tour the nearby Ark Encounter. Since Ci 5.0 some things have changed at both attractions and we looked forward to experiencing these new upgrades with our campers: 4D Special Effects Theater. The Creation Museum now has a spectacular, totally refurbished 4D theater. It features the latest in 3D technology—including infrared 3D glasses—as well as special effects such as rumbling seats, wind, ...

Introducing the Ci 6.0 Counselors Camp Infinity

Introducing the Ci 6.0 Counselors

In just a few short months, Ci 6.0 kicks off as we welcome our first group of campers. We’re excited to meet our 2019 campers and thought we’d start the introductions now by letting you get to know our Ci 6.0 counselors. Nathan Dwire I am a Freshman Zoo and Wildlife Biology major at Bob Jones University. I am very excited about the opportunity to serve at such a unique camp this summer. I can’t wait to help my campers learn more about STEM and about their Creator. This camp’s position of teaching STEM from a Christian worldview provides a ...

Big Changes For Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

Big Changes For Camp Infinity

We have big news to announce to all our campers and their families. This news is both exciting and bittersweet, but we trust it is the Lord’s leading and it will be the beginning of an incredible new chapter in the history of Camp Infinity. Here’s the big news: Dan Wooster, the founder of Ci and the director for the past five years, has made the very difficult decision to step down as director. Living in Greenville, South Carolina, while directing a camp in Northern Kentucky, as well as hosting mobile and mini camps around the country, has demanded hundreds ...

Meet Our New Director

Meet Our New Director

Dan Wooster, founder of Camp Infinity, recently resigned as our director. Having served in this capacity for six years, Dan’s devotion built Camp Infinity into the successful STEM camp ministry that it has become. We will greatly miss Dan’s leadership. At the same time, we are pleased to announce Ben Torkelson as interim director of Camp Infinity. Ben has extensive experience with camp ministry in his native Alaska. And Ben is no stranger to Camp Infinity, having helped in our summer programs the past four years. Ben is quite familiar with Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, which ...

Is Teaching Creation a “Huge Disservice” to Students and the Sciences? Creation

Is Teaching Creation a “Huge Disservice” to Students and the Sciences?

A recent article by a secular blogger claimed that children who aren’t taught evolution won’t get that spark of interest that propels them to become scientists. Well, at Answers in Genesis we don’t believe that you need to be taught and believe evolution in order to be passionate about discovering more about what God has made. And this certainly bears true throughout history—many of the greatest scientists of all time were Christians who studied nature for God’s glory (and many of them lived at the time of Darwin)! We want more scientists like that. The phrase I put in bold particularly attracted attention and ...

An 1830's Invention that Revolutionized America Technology

An 1830's Invention that Revolutionized America

I was driving through the state of Virginia recently and drove past a farm that boasted of being the home of Cyrus McCormick. I decided to look him up and see what earned his farm recognition to this day and discovered this man had invented a machine that revolutionized American history. What machine was invented in the 1830s that would forever change America? The mechanical reaper. McCormick, at the age of 22, took over an invention his father had been tinkering with. He wanted to design something that would make bringing in the crops much less labor intensive. Currently it ...

Warping the Universe Creation

Warping the Universe

But what are gravitational waves, and why couldn’t anyone measure them until now? The answers involve the nature of gravity. So what is gravity? Isaac Newton says, “Gravity is a force of attraction between any two objects.” This sounds mysterious. Why would two objects attract each other? Albert Einstein says, “Because they warp the fabric of space, so that moving objects curve toward each other.” Back when Einstein proposed this, scientists wanted to see evidence before they believed it. But the evidence quickly started to mount, and today this theory has passed every test we’ve managed to give it. However, ...

MRI Inventor Endorses Ci Camp Infinity

MRI Inventor Endorses Ci

“I believe that evolution is a lie designed to weaken people’s faith in the accuracy of the Bible. This is why I am so excited to tell you about an unprecedented opportunity for young people who are interested in science & technology. My friend Dan Wooster, has started a new organization called Camp Infinity. This is not just any camp, but one that teaches a biblical worldview of science and technology.”  - Dr Raymond Damadian, MRI Inventor

Where Are They Now? Camp Infinity

Where Are They Now?

It’s so neat each year to see how God takes a group of college students, with very different backgrounds, and knits them close together as they serve Him by serving our campers. Here’s a look at how God is using them today.  Becca (Ci 1.0 & 2.0) - I’m teaching high school math in MD and having a blast! Sean (Ci 3.0) - I am currently working as a laboratory technician at a doctor’s office where I primarily draw blood and perform tests on biological samples, and I am planning on continuing my education to become a medical laboratory scientist. ...

Ci Relationships Camp Infinity

Ci Relationships

We couldn’t do what we do at Ci without our partnership with several other ministries. It’s amazing to see how God brings ministries and individuals together to accomplish His will. Here are just some of the ministries with whom we partner: Answers in Genesis. AiG is the world’s leading creation apologetics organization. Their world-class speakers and researchers boldly declare the authority of God’s Word and provide Christians with answers to the skeptical questions of our day. During camp each year, campers will hear from AiG speakers and have an opportunity to ask questions and dive deeper. The Creation Museum. Built ...

Ci by the Numbers Camp Infinity

Ci by the Numbers

Since starting six years ago, we’ve been able to reach and impact thousands of young people with the message of biblical authority, apologetics training, and hands-on STEM. Here are some of the numbers: Social Media reach: • Facebook fans: 1853 (If you haven’t already, go like our Facebook for updates!) • Total posts since we started: 1492 • Total impressions this year: 251,845 • Total engagements this year: 3562 Email and Newsletter reach: • Emailing list (bits): 3600 • Mailing list (atoms): 2300 Campers impacted: • Total campers: 3174    o Ci Summer camps: 655    o Ci Mobile camps: ...

Bits & Atoms Technology

Bits & Atoms

We’re living in a world of bits.  As a computer science guy, I have long been intrigued by the intersection of business and digital technologies. I refer to it as the “bit business.” For me this played out by starting a software company and teaching computer science at the college level for 30 years. It allowed me to observe firsthand the impact bits are having on business development.  To help my students understand this world of bits, I would often compare and contrast bits with something we’re all familiar with from science class—atoms. Atoms make up everything in this world ...

Ci Board Welcomes Dr Jeremy Ervin Camp Infinity

Ci Board Welcomes Dr Jeremy Ervin

The board of Camp Infinity is excited to welcome Dr. Jeremy Ervin as our newest board member. Dr. Ervin is the Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University and brings his experience of teaching K-12 teachers, and his specialty in teaching math, science, and STEM literacy to Ci.  Dr. Ervin has been very involved with assisting our teaching in the integration of biblical truth with our STEM activities. He ensures each of our chosen activities is truly STEM. Many of the STEM toys or activities on the market aren’t actually STEM, they just claim to be. Dr. Ervin ...

Want to Be a Counselor with Ci? Apply to Be a CIT Camp Infinity

Want to Be a Counselor with Ci? Apply to Be a CIT

We’re excited to announce a new initiative from Camp Infinity designed for campers who’ve just graduated from high school, will be entering a STEM major in college, and are interested in becoming Ci summer counselors. This new program is CIT, “counselor in training.” CIT is designed to help young people, who are pursuing a STEM education and career, become ideal STEM and apologetics counselors with Ci.  This is a great gap program between completing high school and starting college. Not only will young people be encouraged in their faith and love of STEM before they make the big transition to ...

Orbital Mechanics of Spacecraft Camp Infinity

Orbital Mechanics of Spacecraft

Recently, the Parker Solar Probe made history by being the fastest man-made rocket ever. Rocket scientist Jeremy McCauley provides an inside peek at this fascinating launch toward our sun. Thank God He both created the heavens with orbits and chose to make them in a way we can analyze. Because of the way He has designed the heavens, we can use mathematics to produce orbital mechanics.  Orbital mechanics is a wonderful application of mathematics directly to a physical application. Gravitational orbits are well defined and consistent, based upon ellipses with the planet or sun as one of the two focal ...

Meeting a Rocket Scientist at Ark Encounter Stories

Meeting a Rocket Scientist at Ark Encounter

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” This verse from Proverbs has long been a favorite of mine. Each day I ask the Lord to direct my paths to allow me to meet the people He has chosen for that day. I firmly believe God does this. While most days are relatively normal, every now and then God brings about an amazing connection. Such was the day at the Ark Encounter when we met a real live rocket scientist!  Having taken our summer staff to tour the Ark Encounter, we were heading to the parking ...

A Look Back at Earth STEM Camp

A Look Back at Earth STEM Camp

Our theme this year for Ci 5.0 was earth science and many of our STEM activities were structured around that theme. And, of course, we had our Ci staples—robotics, a tour of the Creation Museum and a secular museum, a trip to the Ark Encounter, zip line rides, delicious food, and accommodations at beautiful Potter’s Ranch. Here are some of the STEM activities campers enjoyed:  1. Global Warming – Campers learned to use terminology about global warming and climate change correctly. They are now able to discuss the topic from both a biblical and secular worldview. Using a data set, ...

Counselor Training Week Key To Ci Success Camp Infinity

Counselor Training Week Key To Ci Success

It’s not just our teachers who train to serve at Ci. Our counselors all go through an intense week of training, equipping them to serve our campers, answering their questions, and directing them toward Christ and His Word. Here’s what one of our counselors, Brook, had to say about this week, as well as her experience as a counselor (content slightly edited for clarity):  Throughout the 2 1/2 weeks I felt as though I gained valuable communication skills. The comradery and encouragement with the group was incredible, proving that a group from so many different backgrounds could have a common ...

Working for Ci and Ark Encounter Camp Infinity

Working for Ci and Ark Encounter

For the first time this year, several of our camp counselors took advantage of a new opportunity to work at the Ark Encounter, the full-size Noah’s Ark attraction in Williamstown, KY, before, after, and between camps. This gave them a unique job for the summer. Here’s what one of our counselors, Isaac, had to say about this experience (content edited slightly for clarity): While working at the Ark Encounter in guest services, I sold tickets at Admissions, monitored people in the Ark (helping them figure where they need to go), and ran the fossil sluice and camel rides ticketing building. ...

Meeting A Real Rocket Scientist Camp Infinity

Meeting A Real Rocket Scientist

A highlight of overnight camp each year is career night. On the Wednesday evening of overnight camp we bring in outside speakers from various industries or academia to help campers understand different career paths, available jobs, and the schooling needed in STEM. This helps campers find direction for the future and perhaps alerts them to fields they didn’t even know existed.  Over the years we’ve hosted rocket scientists, cyber security engineers, college deans, college math professors, the inventor of the MRI, and others. Each of these presenters has encouraged our campers to continue in STEM and has gladly answered any ...

Encouraging Young People to Stay in STEM Camp Infinity

Encouraging Young People to Stay in STEM

Are you considering sending your child to Camp Infinity but not sure if it’s worth the investment? Well, consider this. Many children have a natural interest in STEM. They love knowing how things work and creatively coming up with solutions to their own problems. But, if their interest isn’t encouraged and they aren’t actively learning STEM, many kids lose interest and don’t end up studying and working in a STEM field. And statistically this is especially true of girls and minority groups.  So how can we encourage these young people to stay in STEM? STEM camps! The Chronicle for Higher ...

What are Parents Saying About the Ci Investment Camp Infinity

What are Parents Saying About the Ci Investment

Camp Infinity is an investment in the life, faith, and intellectual growth of your child. But it’s an investment worth making. But don’t take our word for it! Hear it from the parents of some of our campers from this past summer:   It’s worth every penny!  He said his faith is stronger than ever...that’s worth every dollar! My only advice would be to tell parents to consider camp tuition an investment in their student. College will be a huge expense. Any exposure to technology in earlier years may help them to narrow down choices when it comes time to selecting a ...

How You Can Help Ci Camp Infinity

How You Can Help Ci

A little over 20 years ago (1995), while I was teaching computer science at Bob Jones University, I met the father of one of my freshman students. This father’s name was Ken Ham and that year he founded the ministry of Answers in Genesis, now the world’s leading creation apologetics ministry. I would very quickly come to learn Ken’s passion was twofold: Teaching others about the authority of God’s Word, especially as it pertains to history and science, And educating parents on the importance of leaving a godly legacy. I was greatly influenced by both of those passions, so much ...

Meet our Ci 6.0 Program Manager Camp Infinity

Meet our Ci 6.0 Program Manager

Our program manager for Ci 6.0 is Jess Berry, a Bob Jones University graduate with an undergraduate degree in math education and a masters in gifted education from Grand Canyon University. Jess teaches at a public high school in Greenville, SC. She’s joined us at Ci for three years as a counselor and we’re excited to welcome her back for her fourth year as our 2019 program manager. Jess explains why she loves Ci: I have a passion for youth, the truth of God, and teaching. This is one of the reasons I have always loved working with Camp Infinity. ...

A Generation of Scientists Starting with God’s Word Camp Infinity

A Generation of Scientists Starting with God’s Word

In government schools across the United States, perhaps there is no other class where Christian young people face more fierce opposition than a science course. Bombarded with evolutionary teaching and a secular worldview, young people need to be prepared with answers to questions from their friends, classmates, and even teachers. Wouldn’t it be great to have a generation of scientists who love the Word of God and are committed to using it as their starting point? And who have answers for the questions of our day and are unashamed to stand boldly on the Bible? Sadly, many young people are not getting ...

Help Us Raise Modern Day Daniels Camp Infinity

Help Us Raise Modern Day Daniels

I love hearing comments about how Camp Infinity has impacted young people. Many of us can give account of a youth pastor, teacher, or a camp counselor who came alongside us as a teen to help guide us to further maturity in faith. It’s our privilege to facilitate a deeper understanding of our Creator and His world. Daniel is one of my favorite Old Testament characters. His refusal to eat the king’s food and willingness to be tested for his God-given abilities in science and literature, would make him an excellent STEM student today. In the five years of our ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future: The Martian Code Technology

Fact, Fiction, or Future: The Martian Code

Courtesy of 20th Century Fox   In your face, Neil Armstrong!  –Mark Watney Introduction In 2011, science fiction fans everywhere were treated to a literary feast. Andy Weir’s The Martian became a near instant bestseller and catapulted its obscure author to fame. Four years later, The Martian was adapted into an award-winning film directed by sci fi legend Ridley Scott. The book tells the story of astronaut Mark Watney, a botanist and mechanical engineer of the Ares 3 mission to Mars. During a sandstorm, the crew is forced to abort the mission. In the process, Watney is struck by flying ...

Living as a Christian in a Secular Grad School (Part 2) Stories

Living as a Christian in a Secular Grad School (Part 2)

by Maxwell Lorentz Becoming a scientist involves more than just the normal four years of college—you also need four to eight years of grad school to earn your Ph.D. This graduate school is almost always secular, so in my last post I started sharing four pieces of advice for anyone who is trying to be a faithful Christian in such a place. (And a lot of this advice applies to life in general, not just Christians in grad school.) The first two pieces of advice, from last time, were . . . Your life is even more important than your ...

Living as a Christian in a Secular Grad School (Part 1) Technology

Living as a Christian in a Secular Grad School (Part 1)

by Maxwell Lorentz Do you want to become a scientist? I hope many of you do. The world badly needs top-notch scientists who study science because they love God, and who love God more than anything else. To become a scientist, you need years of college. You start by getting a standard four-year degree (typically called an undergraduate degree). With this degree, you’ll probably have enough knowledge about the subject to get a job applying it. But to become an actual scientist—someone who discovers the science instead of just using it—you’ll need several more years of study (called graduate school, ...

Exciting New “Counselor in Training” Program Now at Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

Exciting New “Counselor in Training” Program Now at Camp Infinity

We’re excited to announce a new initiative from Camp Infinity designed for campers who’ve just graduated from high school, will be entering a STEM major in college, and are interested in becoming Ci summer counselors. This new program is CIT, “counselor in training.” CIT is designed to help young people who will be pursuing a STEM education and career become ideal STEM and apologetics counselors with Ci. While in the CIT program young people will grow in: ·      Leadership skills ·      Apologetics knowledge ·      Teaching experience ·      STEM knowledge and practical skills. This is a great gap program between completing ...

Ci 5.0 Teen Overnight Week 2 Video Video

Ci 5.0 Teen Overnight Week 2 Video

Here is a photo slide show from Ci 5.0 (2018) Summer Teen Overnight STEM camp, week #2  

Ci 5.0 Career Night: Giving Campers a Vision for the Future Camp Infinity

Ci 5.0 Career Night: Giving Campers a Vision for the Future

A highlight of overnight camp each year is career night. On the Wednesday evening of overnight camp we bring in outside speakers from various industries or academia to help campers understand different career paths, available jobs, and the schooling needed in STEM. This helps campers find direction for the future and perhaps alerts them to fields they didn’t even know existed.   Over the years we’ve hosted rocket scientists, cyber security engineers, college deans, college math professors, the inventor of the MRI, and others. Each of these presenters has encouraged our campers to continue in STEM and has gladly answered any question they have (and they always have great questions!).   ...

Supermassive Black Holes: Monsters in the Dark

Supermassive Black Holes: Monsters in the Dark

by Maxwell Lorentz Over 2 billion light years away, there lies a galaxy named Hercules A. At its heart lurks a supermassive black hole, and it is a monster—billions of times more massive than the sun, and a hundred billion times brighter than the sun—one of the most powerful objects in the Universe. Supermassive black holes are always massive (by definition), but they’re not always as bright as the one in Hercules A. Often they are quite dark, lurking silently in space. In fact, astronomers think that most galaxies—and maybe even all galaxies—harbor one of these monsters at the center. ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future

Fact, Fiction, or Future

Fact, Fiction, or Future is the brainchild of Camp Infinity Founder Dan Wooster as a way to educate campers on how popular culture impacts science and technology. The talk debuted at an evening meal during Overnight Camp 1 of CI 4.0. Topics such as warp drives to space battles were examined from both a scientific viewpoint and a biblical one. The campers were given certain scenarios and asked whether the results were fact, fiction, or future. They were then given the chance to discuss as a group before being shown the answer. Some of the answers were surprising even to ...

Ci 5.0 Overnight Camp #1 a Success Camp Infinity

Ci 5.0 Overnight Camp #1 a Success

Our first week of overnight camp for Ci 5.0, our 2018 camp year, is in the books—and what a week it was! Our theme this year was environmental science and many of our STEM activities are structured around that theme. And, of course, we had our Ci staples—robotics, a tour of the Creation Museum and a secular museum, a trip to the Ark Encounter, zip line rides, delicious food, and accommodations at beautiful Potter’s Ranch.  Here are some of the STEM activities campers enjoyed during week one and those coming to weeks two and three can look forward to:  Global Warming – Campers will learn to use terminology about global warming ...

Is STEM Just About Knowledge? Camp Infinity

Is STEM Just About Knowledge?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and a STEM camp, of course, teaches these inter-connected disciplines through hands-on activities. At Camp Infinity, we take that a step further and teach young people apologetics (faith defense) and how to think biblically about the issues of our day. But is STEM just about knowledge? Many people, especially young people interested in STEM, believe that it is. These young people are curious and hungry for information and answers—and we love it! Those are exactly the kind of campers we want to come to Ci. But STEM is much more than just ...

Meet the Ci 5.0 Summer Team

Meet the Ci 5.0 Summer Team

Ci 5.0 Summer Team NAME POSITION BACKGROUND LOCATION YEAR Dan Wooster Camp Director College Professor Bob Jones Univ 5th Emily Barney Assistant to the Director Children's Director Hampton Park Baptist Church 5th Amy Corey STEM Teacher Science Teacher Bob Jones Academy 5th Anne Shaw STEM Teacher Science Teacher Hampton Park Christian School 3rd Brooke Nelson Program Manager Physics and Education Pacific Northwest Univ 2nd* Joshua Case Technology Specialist Information Technology Bob Jones Univ 2nd Lane Camfield Counselor Engineering Bob Jones Univ 1st Noah Duncan Counselor Computer Science Cedarville Univ 1st Sara Mitchell Counselor Geology Cedarville Univ 1st* Robert Ring Counselor ...

Family, Robots, Apologetics, and More! Camp Infinity

Family, Robots, Apologetics, and More!

What kind of vacation combines hands-on STEM activities, robotics, the Creation Museum, stargazing, and family together? Only Ci 5.0 Family STEM Camp!  If you’re looking for something to do together as a family that will create lasting memories and bring you closer to each other and the Lord, consider Family STEM Camp. You’ll do hands-on STEM activities right alongside your children, stoking their passion for discovery and exploration. And you’ll also get apologetics training, helping you build a more biblical worldview and equipping you to navigate your family through some of the challenges of our day. Register today for an ...

Happy Spring Break! Camp Infinity

Happy Spring Break!

The month of March means spring break for most folks around the country. It’s a great opportunity to spend some time as a family, maybe take a trip somewhere, or get a head start on spring cleaning or gardening. But, by the time spring break ends and the kids are back in school with a regular routine, many moms are wondering, “What am I going to do to keep these kids busy and productive all summer?” That can be quite the challenge! One mom, whose boys are regular campers each summer at Camp Infinity, summed it up this way and ...

The Facebook Crisis: Man’s Responsibility and the Role of Government Technology

The Facebook Crisis: Man’s Responsibility and the Role of Government

The news has been abuzz over the last few days regarding Facebook, the Cambridge Analytica breach, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress. I’ve been following his testimony on Capitol Hill and, as I’ve been watching, these two biblical concepts have stood out: 1. Purpose of government 2. Evil heart of man For believers, it should come as no surprise that deep down in their core, in their heart-of-hearts, all men are evil. The Bible tells us as much: The heart is deceitful above all things,     and desperately sick;     who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9) We’re all sinners in ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future: Ready Player One Stories

Fact, Fiction, or Future: Ready Player One

Introduction Ever since the printing of the first novel, authors have imagined vast, impossible worlds filled with a myriad of fascinating characters. For many years these creations resided only in the minds of readers. Then came the question: Could these worlds be made real? Not just real to the mind of the reader, but a literal world you could feel and enjoy? A whole new topic began to make its way into science fiction: virtual reality. Soon novels, films, and videogames began to explore the concept of what such a virtual world could be like and what consequences it could ...

Scientists Discover New Organ in the Human Body Technology

Scientists Discover New Organ in the Human Body

For centuries, researchers and scientists have been studying the human body and its processes to get a better of understanding of how we were designed. But, no matter how much they study, they never come to an end of discoveries to marvel over. And this year is no exception. Recently researchers announced they have discovered an organ inside our bodies that was previously unknown. When scientists are studying the human body, they often drain away bodily fluids in order to study the sample under a microscope. Because of this preparation method, scientists missed a fluid-filled organ, one of the largest ...

Six Days of Ci Video

Six Days of Ci

A question we get asked often is "What does a week at Camp Infinity look like?" So we put together this fast-paced 3-minute video which takes you from Monday check-in through Saturday Awards Program. If your young person likes to learn and enjoys being around others of like-minded faith, they will love our summer camps!  

Summer STEM Camps Encourage Kids to Stay in STEM Camp Infinity

Summer STEM Camps Encourage Kids to Stay in STEM

Many children have a natural interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). They love knowing how things work and creatively coming up with solutions to their own problems. But, if their interest isn’t encouraged and they aren’t actively learning STEM, many kids lose interest and don’t end up studying and working in a STEM field. And statistically this is especially true of girls and minority groups. Reportedly, both women and various minorities are underrepresented in many STEM fields. So how can we encourage all children who show an inclination towards STEM—including women and those in minority groups—to continue studying ...

Teaching Them Diligently with Robots and Apologetics Camp Infinity

Teaching Them Diligently with Robots and Apologetics

For the past several years, we’ve packed up our robots and iPads to introduce students and their parents to a world of STEM technology at the Teach Them Diligently conventions across the Southeast and Midwest. This past weekend, we headed over to Nashville, Tennessee, to host our “Robots & God” workshops. During these 5 sessions (not to mention a parent presentation we did called “STEM/STEAM Education for Your Kids”), campers learn how to work as a team, solve problems, look for patterns, program, and make an autonomous robot. A Special Partnership We’re honored to partner with organizations like Teach Them ...

Director Dan Gets a Megaphone Camp Infinity

Director Dan Gets a Megaphone

Hang on to your hats everyone—we’ve got big news. Director Dan just got…a megaphone. And he certainly had a good time using it to keep everyone learning lots during a recent Robots & God workshop in Ohio. We’re not convinced giving him a megaphone was a great idea but time will tell! In the meantime, I decided to do some digging into how megaphones work. It’s one of those pieces of tech most people are familiar with (the concept anyway) but how does a megaphone actually amplify your voice? The iconic cone shape directs your voice towards your target audience. ...

Amateur Astronomer Finds Missing NASA Satellite Technology

Amateur Astronomer Finds Missing NASA Satellite

Have you ever lost something important? Your wallet, phone, or an expensive textbook? Well, how about losing a 132-million-dollar satellite? Whoops! Well, that’s what NASA did 13 years ago. In 2005, they lost track of their Image for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite. This satellite, which was part of a $132 million project, was on a mission to observe earth’s magnetic field and how solar winds from the sun interact with it. But the satellite vanished—until just recently. An amateur astronomer located the rogue satellite and reported his find to NASA. Their investigations confirmed it was indeed IMAGE and that ...

What Makes “Robots & God” Unique?

What Makes “Robots & God” Unique?

Each year, Camp Infinity travels to over a dozen different states to present our Robots & God workshops. These hands-on workshops are popular with kids of all ages with schools, homeschool groups, and others often asking us to come back for more. It’s a great introduction to programming, building, and teamwork with something relatively familiar to most of them—Lego! (Lego Mindstorm EV3 Robotics Kits to be exact). Here’s what makes Ci’s Robots & God workshops stand out from other STEM workshops your child may have attended. When you buy your child a new Lego set, it always comes with a ...

Beating the Winter Blues: the Ark Encounter, Career Night, and Robotics Camp Infinity

Beating the Winter Blues: the Ark Encounter, Career Night, and Robotics

Are you ready for sunny days, pool parties, BBQs, and warm, pleasant evenings? We sure are! And we’re extra excited for winter to end and summer to arrive because summer means camp and camp means hands-on STEM activities, biblical apologetics training, fellowship with campers, counselors, and teachers who all love STEM, delicious food, and more. To help you beat the winter blues we’ve been previewing some of the things you can expect this summer at Ci 5.0 such as a fossil hunt, zip lining, and stargazing. Well here are a few more things you can start looking forward to: Tour ...

And the Theme for Ci 5.0 Is… Camp Infinity

And the Theme for Ci 5.0 Is…

And it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for! We’re excited to announce the theme for Ci 5.0. But first—a little background. Every year we choose a new theme to structure our various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities around. This theme has to meet four criterion: Involve all four areas of STEM to show how different fields come together to solve a common problem, Have a biblical apologetics focus, Be relevant to the 21st century, And have a broad interest. We debated back and forth for quite a while last fall, trying to decide which of our proposed themes met these ...

Astronaut Food Made from Astronaut Waste Technology

Astronaut Food Made from Astronaut Waste

Last summer, for Ci 4.0, our camp theme was “space” and some of our campers even got to meet and chat with a real astronaut, Barry Wilmore, a captain of the International Space Station who has done a spacewalk. Hearing him talk about living in space is exciting and his passion for God’s creation is contagious. But there are some not-so-glamourous aspects of being an astronaut—like the food. One of the STEM activities we did last summer involved planning a trip to Mars and coming up with proposed solutions to some of the problems such a long trip would entail. ...

“Robots & God” Workshops Coming to Teach Them Diligently Camp Infinity

“Robots & God” Workshops Coming to Teach Them Diligently

Having taught computer science to college students for 30 years, I have a strong passion to take my knowledge and experience of this rapidly growing and strongly needed discipline to teach young people a proper view of technology. At Camp Infinity we call this our “Theology of Technology.” We just got back from wrapping up several days of workshops in Jacksonville, FL and wanted to share with you some of the details of how we use these workshops to challenge and inspire young people to love God and STEM. Start at the beginning. We always start with my talk on the “Theology of ...

Beating the Winter Blues: Fossils, Zip Lines, and Stargazing

Beating the Winter Blues: Fossils, Zip Lines, and Stargazing

Recently, I wrote a blog about the “winter doldrums”—a condition that effects up to 25% of people. And we offered a solution to help you fight the winter blues: Create anticipation—plan something fun to look forward to. Research shows that people generally get a “greater boost of happiness from the anticipation of the trip than from the trip itself.”  And, of course, what could be more exciting to plan than a week with Camp Infinity in Northern Kentucky? (The answer is: nothing!) Here are just a few things you can look forward to if you’re joining us for an overnight ...

Why Did Women Stop Programming? Technology

Why Did Women Stop Programming?

Are you a girl who loves computers? You’re not alone! Especially if you look back to the beginnings of computers and computer programming. According to a podcast by NPR, many women were leaders in computer science in the early days, between 1970 and 1984. But something changed in the mid 80’s and their representation in the field of programming dropped dramatically. But a similar drop wasn’t seen in any other scientific or technical field. What happened? Well, in a word—advertising. In the 1980’s personal computers were starting to become a “thing” (and not the computers like we have today! These ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future: Deep Impact Technology

Fact, Fiction, or Future: Deep Impact

Introduction Have you ever attended an old fashioned shooting gallery? A staple of old time films and popular novels, this type of entertainment was a popular attraction at most carnivals. At the booth, a rifle is fired to destroy targets at various distances in a variety of shapes. Sometimes the targets move; especially hard to hit, these garner a great deal of satisfaction when successfully taken down. This is all good, clean fun, but did you realize that the earth itself is a target in the middle of a gigantic shooting gallery? Our planet is but one of countless asteroids, ...

Feeling Blah? Escape the Winter Doldrums!

Feeling Blah? Escape the Winter Doldrums!

Are you feeling lethargic? Craving carbs (mac n’ cheese, anyone?)? Feeling extra sleepy (*yawn!*)? If those symptoms sound familiar, you may be experiencing the “winter doldrums.” And you’re not alone in this. Some estimates say as many as 25% of people have the “I-can’t-wait-for-winter-to-end” feeling and its accompanying symptoms. Of course, the further you are from the equator, the more cold and darkness you experience, the greater your risk.     For approximately 11 million people, the winter doldrums turns into something more serious, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Researchers believe the much shorter days of fall and winter disrupts the ...

Black Holes: Waterfalls in Space Creation

Black Holes: Waterfalls in Space

by Maxwell Lorentz “What goes up must come down,” they say. But is this true? Throw a ball, straight up, as hard as you can. It goes up—and then comes down. If you could throw it 1,000 miles per hour, it would go more than 6 miles high—and then come down. If you could throw it 10,000 mph, it would go twice as high as the Hubble Space Telescope—and then fall back. But if you could throw the ball 26,000 mph, it would keep going and never return—because this speed is faster than Earth’s escape velocity.[1] The Earth’s escape velocity ...

Campers Get Career Guidance During “Career Night” at Ci Camp Infinity

Campers Get Career Guidance During “Career Night” at Ci

During our overnight camps, we host a special “career night” for our campers. This evening provides a platform for campers to view a potential future in various STEM fields. They get to explore and ask questions about different science and research fields and perhaps learn about a new field they’ve never even heard of. Career Night is always popular with our campers. Our counselors, all of whom are either studying or working in a STEM related field, host this evening. This allows our campers to get to know their counselors better as they ask questions and learn about their counselors ...

Where Are They Now? Camp Infinity

Where Are They Now?

It’s so neat each year to see how God takes a group of college students, with very different backgrounds, and knits them close together as they serve Him by serving our campers. Here’s a look at how God is using them today.  Becca (Ci 1.0 & 2.0) - I’m teaching high school math in MD and having a blast! Sean (Ci 3.0) - I am currently working as a laboratory technician at a doctor’s office where I primarily draw blood and perform tests on biological samples, and I am planning on continuing my education to become a medical laboratory scientist. ...

What is 5.0 Theme? Camp Infinity

What is 5.0 Theme?

Each summer our Program Team creates new STEM activites. Before we do this we decide on a new theme. For example, last year (Ci 4.0) our theme was Space Exploration. The year prior to that (Ci 3.0) it was Energy. Because our campers are so curious and like to figure things out, rather than simply announce the theme, we prefer to give clues by asking questions. So here are some questions. See if you can figure out the 5.0 theme from these questions. • Described as “the most alien-looking place on earth”, nearly 700 plant species on this island are ...

Books for Budding Scientists Camp Infinity

Books for Budding Scientists

Wrapping up something to read and putting it under the tree is always a good idea—you can never have too many books! Here are some new resources from our friends over at Answers in Genesis that will make a great gift for your budding scientist: • Replacing Darwin. This new book from Harvard-trained Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson makes an audacious claim—to replace Darwin’s idea of biological evolution! Using genetics (a field Darwin had no knowledge of but which is fundamental to the question of the origin of species), Dr. Jeanson shows that evolution is failing the gold test of science—making predictions—but ...

Gifts That Give a Learning Experience Camp Infinity

Gifts That Give a Learning Experience

Sometimes “experience gifts” do come in the form of things; things that will give your child a learning experience. So here are some ideas we found for STEM gifts that will give your child a real experience they’ll grow from and want to come back to (Please note we have not personally tested these products. They are provided as ideas only; please check product descriptions and reviews to see if each product is right for your child).  • Amazon STEM Club. The Amazon STEM club sends a high-quality STEM toy to your home each month. These toys are hands-on and ...

God is Using Ci in Unique and Strategic Ways Camp Infinity

God is Using Ci in Unique and Strategic Ways

We love hearing stories from campers and their parents about how God is using Camp Infinity in their lives. It’s such an encouragement to us and we hope it’s an encouragement to other parents and our faithful supporters. I recently heard from one mom who said this: The first Ci publication arrived after we had been on a long trip. Cade had a stack of mail to open and the Ci publication was in that stack. He opened it and never said a word to me, just left it on the counter. He can be a bit shy about these ...

What Was the "Christmas Star"? Camp Infinity

What Was the "Christmas Star"?

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem…wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him’” (Matthew 2:1-2). Various solutions have been proposed for the identity of this mysterious “star of Bethlehem.” Keep in mind the Greek word for “star” doesn’t mean the same thing as our English word “star” (a ball of hydrogen and helium powered by nuclear fusion). It just refers to any bright point in our nighttime sky (e.g. planets, stars, comets, ...

3 Reasons to Give Experiences—Not Things—This Christmas Camp Infinity

3 Reasons to Give Experiences—Not Things—This Christmas

Do your kids have too much stuff? As we approach the Christmas season, and parents and grandparents start thinking about the gifts they want to get their children, many will realize it’s hard to choose a meaningful, lasting gift that won’t just get lost amongst all the other “stuff” in the house. Well, here’s 3 reasons to give experiences, not things, this year: 1. Research from San Francisco State University found that people who spend money on experiences, rather than things, “were happier and felt the money was better spent.” Memories last longer than things! 2. Dr. Thomas Gilovich of ...

Tech Engineer Starts New Church to Worship AI Technology

Tech Engineer Starts New Church to Worship AI

Tech engineering mastermind Anthony Levandowski, formerly an executive with both Google and Uber, claims to be serious about starting a religion based on artificial intelligence. This new church, “Way of the Future,” will focus on “the realization, acceptance and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” Apparently, AI deserves to be worshipped as God because, according to Levandowski, it will eventually be many times smarter than humans. In an interview he says, “It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a ...

Were There “Boogers” Before the Fall? Creation

Were There “Boogers” Before the Fall?

Obviously, Scripture doesn’t provide a direct answer to that question. But let’s list out what we know from the Bible: God created a perfect world (Genesis 1:31); there was no death and suffering in this original creation, We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:13) in his image (Genesis 1:27), God’s perfect creation was marred by sin (Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3); sin brought death, suffering, and disease into God’s creation, Even though our bodies are marred by sin and the Fall, we still bear the hallmarks of being wonderfully designed by God (Psalm 139:13; Romans 1:20). Now, let’s ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future: The Ringworld Hypothesis Technology

Fact, Fiction, or Future: The Ringworld Hypothesis

Introduction It has been called the game that sold the Xbox. When it released, Halo: Combat Evolved revolutionized the modern first person shooter genre and set the benchmark for many games that would follow. The titular “halo” of the name comes from a massive space station that is the setting of the game.  It is a megastructure shaped like a giant wedding ring. Halo with its grand scale, earthlike climate, and aura of mystery is one of the most familiar fictional locations of all time. However, is this just fiction? Could we build a halo ring? The Definition of BIG ...

3 Reasons to Give Experiences—Not Things—This Christmas Camp Infinity

3 Reasons to Give Experiences—Not Things—This Christmas

My granddaughter’s birthday was coming up and I wasn’t sure what to get her. After some thought I asked her mom if my granddaughter would like to enroll in a soccer program as her gift. My daughter replied, “She’d love that! Thanks for thinking of it. She already has enough stuff.” Do your kids have too much stuff? As we approach the Christmas season and parents—and grandparents—start thinking about the gifts they want to get their children, many will realize their child already has a room brimming with a wide variety of “stuff.” How do you choose a meaningful, lasting ...

Why Celebrate STEM on National STEM/STEAM Day? Technology

Why Celebrate STEM on National STEM/STEAM Day?

Today is National STEM/STEAM Day here in the United States. This is a day meant to encourage and inspire kids to explore their interests and passions in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). Why is this celebration of STEM so important? Occupations in STEM related fields are expected to grow a whopping 70% faster than other occupations. As technology advances and jobs progressively become automated, STEM skills will become increasingly vital in the workplace and those people who possess STEM skills and knowledge will become increasingly valuable to employers. Many kids have a natural interest in all things STEM—after ...

Meet Sophia, the First Robot Citizen Technology

Meet Sophia, the First Robot Citizen

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently bestowed citizenship on a seemingly unlikely candidate…a legless robot with an expressive face named Sophia. This is a historic first for AI (artificial intelligence) and represents part of a shift in thinking about what makes us unique and what makes us human. As AI becomes increasingly intelligent it almost seems to become eerily human. But is our intelligence what makes us human? Intelligence = Consciousness? Writing for Business Insider, reporter Becky Peterson comments on her meeting with Sophia, whom she describes as seemingly speaking with “emotional intelligence.” At the end of the presentation Sophia ...

Thankful for Technology?

Thankful for Technology?

Technology is rapidly changing the world we live in. Technological innovations have done more than just make our lives easier—they’ve helped us discover more about God’s creation, helped us subdue the Earth (Genesis 1:28), and even saved lives. There’s so much to be thankful for when it comes to the tech all around us! What about technology makes you thankful? Tell us and you could reduce your Ci 5.0 tuition by up to $250! Our Thanksgiving Scholarship Program—which closes Thanksgiving Day—allows campers to submit an essay on how living in the 21st century gives us an amazing opportunity to benefit ...

Interested in Recording a Podcast?

Interested in Recording a Podcast?

Podcasting is becoming one of the most popular ways to creating content in today’s online world. Five is the average number of shows listened to per week among the 42 million Americans who listen to podcasts on a weekly basis. Here are some simple steps you can take to record your first podcast with what you already have at home. A recording device. Most smartphones and computers give you the ability to record your voice. Software/Apps. Apple users can use GarageBand, which comes pre-installed on your Macintosh and is also available in the App Store on your iPhone. PC users ...

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather

He said one of the things he likes most about Ci is that he meets and gets to work with other people who are like him. The teachers, counsellors, and campers all share things in common—a love for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), a love for God and His Word, curiosity, and a drive to solve problems and discover the truth.  Humans love to connect with people who are like themselves and who share common interests and passions—people who “get” them. Like the adage goes, “birds of a feather flock together.” Ci brings together teachers, counselors, and campers from ...

Thankful for Technology? Camp Infinity

Thankful for Technology?

Changing leaves and cooler temperatures are just a few of the distinctives about October. Probably the best thing about the fall season is it’s a time when we prepare to enter into a time of pausing to give thanks to our great God who has given us so much. Ever since Creation–even before mankind’s fall–God instructs humans to “subdue” the earth. Exercising our God-given mandate to steward His good gift of our planet is one of the foundational truths of Scripture. We reflect a facet of the character of God when we exercise dominion over the earth. The technologies humans ...

A Family Vacation Like No Other Camp Infinity

A Family Vacation Like No Other

What kind of vacation combines hands-on STEM activities, robotics, the Creation Museum, stargazing, and family together? Only Ci 5.0 Family STEM Camp at Camp Infinity!  Family + STEM + Apologetics = Awesome Vacation Why a STEM family vacation? I’ve found that many parents don’t understand the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) that has captivated their young person. They want to understand so they can connect better with their young person but they aren’t sure where to even begin. Our Family STEM Camp brings parents and their children together with hands-on STEM activities—you’ll even work alongside one another ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future: The Warp Drive

Fact, Fiction, or Future: The Warp Drive

Introduction The story of Star Trek has become a cultural phenomenon in recent decades. Almost everyone who owns or has owned a television has heard of the venerable Starship Enterprise and its five year mission to explore the universe. Throughout the show travel from planet to planet and star to star is presented as a routine and simple endeavor. However, any organization that has seriously investigated long distance space travel knows it is not that easy. Space is just Its distances boggle the human mind and make Captain Kirk wannabes cringe. Thankfully Star Trek had an answer for these ...

When it Comes to Technology, Don’t Discount Discernment for Your Digital Native Technology

When it Comes to Technology, Don’t Discount Discernment for Your Digital Native

Do you remember the days before cell phones and the Internet? I can remember as a young person asking my grandma, “What was life like before you had a television?” She chuckled a bit and answered that she had no idea what was missing. Many of today’s young people probably can ask us the question, “What was it like having to watch TV for entertainment?” If you’re anything like me, you grew up in a time before cellphones and the Internet. We are “digital immigrants.” The closest thing I ever got to communicating with anyone on the other side of ...

Diamonds, Nuclear Waste, and Batteries? Technology

Diamonds, Nuclear Waste, and Batteries?

What do diamonds, nuclear waste, and batteries all have in common? They may just be part of “an entirely new kind of electrical generation system.” Let me explain, borrowing from this helpful article on A group of chemists and physicists at the University of Bristol, in the UK, developed a way to harness nuclear power and turn it into battery energy. In British nuclear power plants, blocks of graphite are used for energy production. But, when they’ve been used up, they are highly radioactive and, as with any radioactive material, difficult to discard and store. This team from Bristol ...

Camp Director's Perspective

Camp Director's Perspective

We like to say we attract "smart kids". To Ci, a smart kid is one who 1) loves to learn 2) doesn't give up easily. It is not necessarily reflected in his/her grades in school. We believe these two qualities in a person bring glory to their Creator, Jesus Christ. God has gifted each child with certain abilities, interests, passions. Our unique camps are designed to bring out the best in kids like this. Each summer we create a new program by carefully selecting a different STEM theme. Be it energy or biodiversity or space or sports science or the environment, ...

Ci 5.0 Overnight Teen Camp for $99/month! Camp Infinity

Ci 5.0 Overnight Teen Camp for $99/month!

  We constantly hear folks say how much their children love Camp Infinity, but sometimes it’s hard to come up the funds to send them to our week long overnight teen STEM camp. We are trying to make it as easy as possible so for Ci 5.0 (Summer 2018) here’s what we are doing to help. Register before end of summer (Sept 22) at a greatly reduced rate of $99/month (10 months) plus $99 deposit. That’s a reduction of $310 off the Ci 5.0 rate. After Sept 22, the rate will be $1399.  Are you not sure which of our 3 ...

Are Hurricanes Increasing Because of Climate Change?

Are Hurricanes Increasing Because of Climate Change?

Wild storms have been dominating the news lately with Hurricane Harvey ferociously dumping 50 inches of water on Texas and Hurricane Irma devastating tropical islands and Florida with Hurricane Jose not far behind. The media has been quick to lay the blame for these disasters squarely on our shoulders. They claim man-made climate change is responsible for the severity of these storms and Harvey and Irma are just a harbinger of what’s coming. A Groaning World But before we look at the question of climate change, let’s look at what causes a hurricane. From a biblical perspective, the only reason ...

What's a Smart Kid Look Like? Camp Infinity

What's a Smart Kid Look Like?

This is what I share with parents when I have the privilege to tell them about our unique STEM & apologetics camps. At Camp Infinity we believe smart kids have 2 distinct characteristics that makes them smart. They are: an appetite to learn keep trying attitude Give us a child who loves to learn and doesn't easily give up and we will have a blast with them. They will love our teachers and counselors and hands on STEM activities. They will come home and say things like the following (comments from past campers and parents): My daughter is intelligent, curious, loves ...

Is Your Child Gifted? Camp Infinity

Is Your Child Gifted?

In a previous blog, we asked (and answered) the question, “To whom do your child’s gifts belong?” But, is your child gifted? “I Have a Question!” How many times a day do you hear that exclamation in your home? For many of us, it can drive us absolutely crazy! Is your child always asking and trying to figure out why things work? “Yes,” you say! Then, we would say he or she is gifted. Camp Infinity is looking for young people to inspire to discover wonder and amazement in everything they see in the world around them. We love teaching ...

To Whom Do Your Child’s Gifts Belong? Camp Infinity

To Whom Do Your Child’s Gifts Belong?

I’m often asked the question, “What kind of child is the ideal Ci camper?” My response is “gifted ones with insatiable curiosity.” Is your child gifted? If so–and by the way, the answer is YES–then what are gifts and to whom do they belong? What is a Gift? It’s a good thing to be reminded about the simplest of questions. A gift is something that is given. Gifts are not earned or even something we deserve. As believers, we recognize that our Creator God has given each of certain abilities to put on display His creativity and goodness in the ...

DNA: The New Digital Information Storage System?

DNA: The New Digital Information Storage System?

As the amount of available information explodes, information storage becomes an increasingly important area of innovation and research. Where do you store all this information and make it accessible? Hard drives work for now, but collective human knowledge is expected to eventually double every twelve hours! Where will this increasing knowledge be kept and how will it be made accessible to future generations as technology rapidly changes and old storage systems (e.g. floppy disks) become obsolete? Well, what do many scientists and researchers do when they have a difficult problem to solve? They look to God’s creation to see how ...

Summer Isn’t Over–And Science Proves It

Summer Isn’t Over–And Science Proves It

The last official last day of summer is Friday, September 22.  Read more on the science and math of summer.  We’re coming off a great camp season. Ci 4.0 was an overwhelming success! We define success by the transformation we see in campers’ lives. Over the last several weeks, we’ve received dozens of testimonies of the impact this year’s Space Exploration theme and apologetics teaching has had. Kids are equipped, encouraged, and going deeper with what they learned! Our staff is working on the theme for Ci 5.0, and we’re excited to share that information with you soon. What I can tell you ...

Camp Infinity’s “Infinitude Award” and a House Fire Tragedy Stories

Camp Infinity’s “Infinitude Award” and a House Fire Tragedy

I recently travelled back to Northern Kentucky from my home in Greenville, South Carolina to finish up a few things from Ci 4.0 and start making preparations for Ci 5.0—we have to start our plans a year in advance! As I was heading home, I happened to check my email and saw a message from a camper’s mom. Here’s what she wrote: We had a house fire recently and we lost a lot including our pets—praise God, we are all ok. My son is upset about his wooden Camp Infinity [Infinitude Award] that they got during the closing ceremonies and ...

The Science & Math of Summer Creation

The Science & Math of Summer

I think most of us would agree that summer is over once kids are back in school and summer vacations have ended. Days are getting shorter. Weather a bit cooler (depending on how far away from the equator we live, of course). But from a scientific perspective, something we love to do at Camp Infinity, summer isn't over until September 21 or 22  or 23 or 24. It has to do with the earth's tilt and somethings called solstices and equinoxes. The year is divided into the four seasons based on the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The summer ...

Mathematics and the Search for Exoplanets

Mathematics and the Search for Exoplanets

I love mathematics! Patterns, numbers, and formulas all combine to help us make sense out of the myriad of observations we are able to make about the fascinating world of outer space. Mankind has long been intrigued by looking upward at the stars and wondering. What’s out there? Are there other life forms? Are they like us? What do they look like? Can they talk like us? Do they reason like us? Could we communicate with them?  One of the many ways we look for life in space is to look for what are called exoplanets, planets orbiting stars outside ...

Academic Scholarships for Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

Academic Scholarships for Camp Infinity

Like most camps, we also offer scholarships. But a quick Google search shows that most camps are actually giving out financial aid. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, we also offer financial aid, but even our financial aid requires campers to do at least one academic scholarship project. You see, we believe, the type of campers for which our programs are best-suited, are "smart" kids. At Ci we believe a smart kid is one that 1) loves to learn 2) is persistent at figuring things out. As such, we give ALL of our campers, those financially needy and those ...

Math and the Solar Eclipse

Math and the Solar Eclipse

I hope you got a chance to enjoy the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. I was at Bob Jones University, in Greenville, SC, which was along the path of totality. They had a wonderful eclipse event and we had a great time looking at the heavens and being awe-struck by what God has made. We’re not the first people to be stunned by the beauty of a total solar eclipse. What God has placed in the heavens is incredible and down through time people have been fascinated by what they’ve seen. I was reading an article recently that ...

Most College Students Won’t Finish School in Four Years—Why?

Most College Students Won’t Finish School in Four Years—Why?

Ask one of my young grandchildren what they want to be when they grow up and they will probably give you a different answer each time you ask. Sadly, this indecisiveness isn’t just limited to 4-year-olds. According to Dr. Fritz Grupe, “Eighty percent of college-bound students have yet to choose a major.” With the buffet of options available for majors and programs—not to mention trying to choose a school in the first place—it can be confusing to know where to focus your education. Since most college students enter school with only a vague idea of what they want to do or ...

Fact, Fiction, or Future: A Look at the More Fantastic Side of Popular Culture Camp Infinity

Fact, Fiction, or Future: A Look at the More Fantastic Side of Popular Culture

Introduction Almost everyone has a favorite television show, movie, or book. There are many genres; two of the most famous being science fiction and fantasy. Giants like Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings permeate our cultural imagination. For most, these are modes of entertainment, a way to relax from life and its stresses. It is called fiction after all, meaning not reality, but could it ever be? What happens when the science fiction we view on our television screens loses the second word? Fact, Fiction, or Future? Fact, Fiction, or Future is a unique discussion created by Camp ...

Solar Eclipse–Yeah, There’s an App for That!

Solar Eclipse–Yeah, There’s an App for That!

Millions of Americans can’t wait for Monday when “The Great American Eclipse” takes it’s track across across the contiguous states. This will be the first time in 38 years that a total eclipse has been viewable in the US, so we’re a just little excited too! Here are a few tips for viewing Monday’s celestial event, and yes, there’s an app to help you plan! Know What to You’re Seeing A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes in front of the Sun, thus blocking out its light. The Moon is only ¼ the size of Earth, so it pales ...

Does Technology Make Bullying Easier?

Does Technology Make Bullying Easier?

According to a recent poll, six in ten adults believe bullying is more prevalent in school than when they attended.  Not surprisingly, Millennials are much more likely to have experienced cyberbullying than any generation. So, what is cyberbullying and how can we as parents and grandparents help our children prevent it? According to the United States Department of Health & Human Services, the first thing you can do is talk with your children about these issues regularly. Awareness of what your kids are doing online is key.  Know the websites your kids visit. Ask where they’re going, what they’re doing, ...

Ci 5.0 Summer Camp Dates

Ci 5.0 Summer Camp Dates

  Camp Dates Location Grades/Ages Counselor Training Camp (details) June 14 - 23 Petersburg KY college Junior Day Camp #1 (details) June 21 - 23 Creation Museum 3 - 6 grade Teen Day Camp #1 (details) June 21 - 23 Creation Museum 7 - 12 grade Teen Overnight Camp #1 (details) June 25 - 30 Potter's Ranch Union KY 7 - 12 grade Teen Overnight Camp #2 (details) July 9 - 14 Potter's Ranch Union KY 7 - 12 grade Teen Overnight Camp #3 (details) July 16 - 21 Potter's Ranch Union KY 7 - 12 grade Family Camp (details) July 4 - ...

“I So Hope I Can Go Next Year!” Camp Infinity

“I So Hope I Can Go Next Year!”

We’re halfway through Ci 4.0 and we’re thankful for the many teaching opportunities we’ve had with dozens of young people. It’s been great to see their excitement as they learn new things about science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and, most importantly, God’s Word. Here are some of the rave reviews we’ve received from parents, grandparents, and family camp attendees: We are super-excited about Ci; even more since we attended camp. God used you all to minister and speak to us. We are very grateful. - Pastor from Family Camp J is "over the top" with his enthusiasm and excitement about Ci. ...

Ci Father Reveals His Heart Stories

Ci Father Reveals His Heart

This time of year, several things all come together to make Camp Infinity a very special experience for our campers. The philosophy, program and people intersect along with the "stuff" needed to make it all happen - T-shirts, cinch bags, STEM activity supplies, robots, ipads, computers, water bottles and much much more. For a camp director this can be a very busy and stressful time. What a blessing when I received the following email list this one from one of our parents, thank us for starting Ci. Seems the Lord knows just when this type of encouragement is needed. This ...

20,000 Miles Driven and 1,000 Campers Reached with Robots & God Workshop Camp Infinity

20,000 Miles Driven and 1,000 Campers Reached with Robots & God Workshop

Most people know Camp Infinity (Ci) as a summer camp…so what do we do in between summers to keep busy? Answer: we do Ci Mini, Ci Mobile, and Ci Remote camps! Ci Mobile camps take place where the campers are, whether the campers be a homeschool, public, or Christian school students or part of a church group. Over the course of Ci 4.0 (which began in August, 2016), we’ve travelled to: south Florida Jacksonville, FL Cleveland, OH Pittsburgh, PA Nashville, TN Atlanta, GA Rogers, AK Sandusky, OH Grand View Camp, AZ Union, KY West Harrison, IN  and Greenville, SC. Now ...

Concerned About Safety at Camp Infinity? Get the Facts! Camp Infinity

Concerned About Safety at Camp Infinity? Get the Facts!

I recently had a phone conversation with a mom from Indiana who was considering sending her inquisitive nine-year-old to one of our camps this summer. As many moms rightfully are, she was concerned about the physical safety of her little girl while away from home at camp. We had a great conversation and I was able to put her mind at ease by explaining the training and precautions we take at Camp Infinity (Ci)—at the end of our conversation, she decided to enroll her daughter.   My assistant, Emily Barney, handles safety at Ci. And, let me tell you, as ...

Thankfulness and Trust Camp Infinity

Thankfulness and Trust

Each year I trust God to bring together what He wants for a successful camp–people, program, place. It's an exciting process to be part of as we see how he connects us with counselors, teachers, a program manager and most of all campers.  I am thankful for the team He has selected. We start our training camp this Sunday evening. It'll be the first time the entire team comes together. They are extra excited because we're getting to stay right across the street from Ark Encounter.  I'm thankful for the program the team is put to gather. Space Exploration will ...

What happens to your brain when you have fun? Camp Infinity

What happens to your brain when you have fun?

According to neurologist (and educator) Judy Willis, “The highest-level executive thinking, making of connections, and ‘aha’ moments are more likely to occur in an atmosphere of ‘exuberant discovery,’ where students of all ages retain that kindergarten enthusiasm of embracing each day with the joy of learning.”  When our brains respond to laughter, our increased volume in breathing causes endorphins, adrenaline, and dopamine to be released. As a result, students are more alert and the information that’s being presented to them is attached to their memories as a positive emotional event.  One of our favorite things about STEM (science, technology, engineering, ...

3 Ways to Build a Love of STEM in Your Kids Technology

3 Ways to Build a Love of STEM in Your Kids

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields are the jobs of the future. We need to encourage young people who are interested to pursue study and careers in these rewarding fields. Here are three ways you, as a parent, can encourage a love of STEM in your kids: Do STEM activities outside school. Your young person shouldn’t just be doing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics within the four walls of his or her school. Foster a love of learning and experimentation within your home through coding apps, cooking or baking, experiments, or even playing Lego. Visit museums and science centers. ...

What to Expect at Camp Infinity This Summer Camp Infinity

What to Expect at Camp Infinity This Summer

If you’ve attended one of our summer camps here at Camp Infinity (Ci) before, you may be wondering what to expect as you come back for another week this summer. Will the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) activities be challenging? Will I learn something new again and be pushed academically? The answer to both these questions is a resounding “yes!” I have over 30 years’ experience teaching at the college level and I work with two amazing science teachers who together have over 40 years’ experience teaching. This combined experience means we effectively know how to communicate and integrate ...

Collaboration is not a 21st century skill, it is a 21st century essential Robotics

Collaboration is not a 21st century skill, it is a 21st century essential

“Collaboration is not a 21st century skill, it is a 21st century essential.” I read that quote a while back and was intrigued. Collaboration, the action of working together to create or produce something (especially in an intellectual endeavor), is considered an essential skill in the modern job market. A great historic example of collaboration is the story of the Wright Brothers. These two brothers successfully invented heavier than air flight, one of the greatest "could never be done" problems of the 20th century. They used a collaboration technique to help conquer engineering barriers called “forging.” It’s sort of like ...

Robots & God Workshops Robotics

Robots & God Workshops

We have found one of the best ways to promote our unique STEM & apologetics camp is to go on the road with our technology (robots, computers, software) and theology (uniqueness of man, Creation, salvation, role of technology in a fallen world, God creation vs man made, humans are created in the image of God, machines are made by man, the creation mandate). Here's a summary of the things we cover in each of our Robots & God workshops.  Here is a 1-minute fast-paced video from one of our Robots & God workshops using Lego EV3 robots.   Theology of ...

Rockets, Space Suits, and Microbes: What to Expect at Ci 4.0 Camp Infinity

Rockets, Space Suits, and Microbes: What to Expect at Ci 4.0

Ci 4.0 is almost here! Are you curious to know what kind of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities you’ll be doing this summer? Well, don’t rely on what you did if you were with us last year—we change the activities each year (but there’s always our popular robotics program!). Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect at Ci 4.0. But first—a little bit about our system of how we decide what activities to include each summer. We start out by deciding on a theme to structure our activities around. This year’s theme is space exploration, an ...

May the Fourth Be with You Camp Infinity

May the Fourth Be with You

Now, we won’t be fighting droids with light sabers or protecting the galaxy from unbridled evil, but we will be programming robots and looking to see what God’s Word says about the idea of extraterrestrial life. Each of our campers who attend any of our summer camps (teen overnight, teen day, kids camp, and family camp) will get to travel off to far away galaxies and stars themselves through the immersive experience of the Stargazer’s Planetarium at the Creation Museum. And those who attend teen overnight or family camp will also get to use world-class telescopes to look at the ...

Bill Nye, The Consistently Inconsistent Guy Camp Infinity

Bill Nye, The Consistently Inconsistent Guy

Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” an engineer turned comedian from the hit 1990’s kids show, recently returned to TVs everywhere with his new Netflix series Bill Nye Saves the World. This is not a kids’ show (Netflix rated it TV-14) and it certainly doesn’t come across as one (there’s plenty of vulgar and crude content and language). During his show Bill Nye made many disturbing, and often politically driven, statements with very little science. But one thing he, and one of his panelists, said was quite shocking. But let’s back up for some behind-the-scenes information you might not know. Last ...

Bill Nye shares his life philosophy with our campers Camp Infinity

Bill Nye shares his life philosophy with our campers

This past summer (Ci 3.0, 2016), Bill Nye stopped by the Creation Museum and seemed somewhat surprised to meet 46 STEM campers. He noticed their Ci t-shirts. Here is a 3 minute clip where our campers engaged with Mr Nye in the Starting Points Room. This is where we compare the 2 world-views of Creation and Evolution as they deal with important life questions like "Why do we die?", "Why are we here?", etc. Listen carefully to his answers and the camper responses.  Read more about his special visit in this Ci blog.   

Fighting the Curse: Soft Robot Could Help Hearts Beat Technology

Fighting the Curse: Soft Robot Could Help Hearts Beat

Your heart pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body each day, probably without you ever giving it much thought. But for those who have had a heart attack, or perhaps who have heart disease or heart problems, it’s hard work for the heart to get that blood where it needs to go. Thankfully, technology has come a long way in helping hearts do their job in a sin-cursed world where things so often go awry. But most heart-helping mechanical technology is rather invasive and involves touching the blood within the blood vessels. This can cause clots so users ...

Scholarship Opportunities Still Available! Camp Infinity

Scholarship Opportunities Still Available!

Camp Infinity (Ci) is dedicated to offering only the highest quality camps to give students the best possible experience. Our camps truly are like none other with their blend of hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) training and practical biblical apologetics. Campers will hear from Answers in Genesis apologetics speakers, learn from counselors who are pursuing science degrees, tour the world-class Creation Museum and a secular science museum, build and program a robot, and participate in exciting and challenging STEM activities that change every year. Young people love our camps and go home with a more biblical worldview regarding ...

Creation Scientists—They’re Real Scientists! Creation

Creation Scientists—They’re Real Scientists!

As Christian young people enter STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, training, or careers, they may hear this common mantra, “creationists don’t do real science!” or “creationists can’t be scientists!” Nothing could be farther from the truth. You don’t have to adopt a naturalistic, usually atheistic, interpretation of the evidence to be a great scientist. You can start with the Bible, as many scientists in the past did and many today still do. If you join us this summer here at Camp Infinity, you’ll get to do real science. We don’t shy away from it—we love science! We specifically ...

Is your future determined by an algorithm or effort? Camp Infinity

Is your future determined by an algorithm or effort?

Just about every one of us who has shopped on websites like has experienced re-targeted advertising messages that seem to show up on just about every other website they visit. If you haven’t experienced this phenomenon, then just look up a pair of shoes and notice how they seem to appear! Predictive software is not only changing the way marketers reach prospective customers, it could also have a big impact on how students are perceived in the classroom. Developers of such programs contend that could open new opportunities to students, where they can’t help but succeed. But what is ...

Biblical STEM Teaching at the Creation Museum Camp Infinity

Biblical STEM Teaching at the Creation Museum

Drones. Robotics. Ziplines. Space exploration. Biblical teaching. That’s what you can expect (and much more!) this summer at Camp Infinity, a biblical creation STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) camp taking place at the Creation Museum. This camp for science-minded and academically-driven young people combines hands-on STEM training and activities with apologetics teaching from Answers in Genesis scientists and Camp Infinity counsellors and staff.    The biblical truth taught throughout the Creation Museum and, new this year, at the Ark Encounter, forms the backdrop to show campers how to view the world through the lens of God’s Word. They’ll learn ...

Being “Down-to-Earth” Might Make You Snore

Being “Down-to-Earth” Might Make You Snore

So, how does the topic of snoring relate to Space Exploration? According to flight surgeon, Dr. J.D. Polk, there is less airway obstruction in space, so the likelihood of snoring is space is greatly diminished. Dr. Polk says, "Earthly snoring occurs when gravity pulls the tongue and soft tissues in the rear of your mouth backward. If your airway is partially obstructed, you get these tissues flapping. In microgravity, the tongue and the jaw do not fall back in the throat, so there is less airway obstruction in space."  Certainly, our campers are “out of this world,” but we can’t ...

Camp Infinity: “One of the Best Opportunities I Have Ever Been Given” Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity: “One of the Best Opportunities I Have Ever Been Given”

One of the exciting things about directing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) camp is seeing the passion our campers have for what they are learning. Being around other young people with the same interests as them brings out a great deal of enthusiasm and builds lasting friendships and memories. It can even help give them focus on what they want to pursue as they continue in their education. And, of course, what they are learning is in the context of a biblical worldview and apologetics training. That’s what makes Camp Infinity (Ci) really unique! Robert was a camper ...

5 Things Christians Should Remember on Darwin Day Creation

5 Things Christians Should Remember on Darwin Day

Today, two hundred and eight years ago, the naturalist Charles Darwin was born. In recent years there’s been a push to celebrate his life and work by commemorating his birthday as Darwin Day. There has even been a push to celebrate Darwin in the church. The Clergy Letter Project, led by atheist Michael Zimmerman, promotes Evolution Weekend, a celebration of the supposed harmony between religion (by which they mean any religion but not those who stand on the authority of God’s Word) and science (by which they mean evolution). Because Darwin Day, February 12, falls on a Sunday this year, ...

Out of Balance? Stories

Out of Balance?

Many of us have experienced some sort of motion sickness. Whether it’s in an automobile or a fast moving boat, there are certain precautions that help “reign-in” the symptoms. Medication, deep breathing, and other methods can help. Space Adaptation Syndrome (SAS) is different in that gravity plays a crucial role in our spatial orientation. While traveling in a weightless environment like space, it can be difficult for astronauts to adapt to the different physiological processes that help them keep their balance. Symptoms of SAS include nausea (similar to what we experience when we have motion sickness), the feeling of being disoriented, ...

5 Affordable Ways to Make the Camp Infinity Investment Camp Infinity

5 Affordable Ways to Make the Camp Infinity Investment

Director Dan’s Notes: Don’t spend $100K (or more) for a college education without making sure your child is actually interested in that field of study.  Here are 5 easy ways to make the Camp Infinity STEM education investment affordable for your student . . . Early Bird Registration - register your child by Jan 1 and receive up to $50 off his tuition fee (details) Scholarships - we are looking for students who have an appetite for knowledge so we offer up to $150 for scholarship reports (details) Financial Aid - if your family qualifies, you can receive up to $100 in ...

And the Ci 4.0 Theme is ... [insert drumroll] Camp Infinity

And the Ci 4.0 Theme is ... [insert drumroll]

We’re excited to announce the theme for Ci 4.0. Every year we chose a new theme to structure our various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities around. This theme has to meet four criterion: Involve all four areas of STEM to show how different fields come together to solve a common problem, Have a biblical apologetics focus, Be relevant to the 21st century, And have a broad interest. We’ve been releasing teasers each day on our Facebook page, encouraging prospective Ci 4.0 campers to guess the theme. See if you can put the clues together and discover the theme: ...

The Exploration of Space Camp Infinity

The Exploration of Space

Twenty-one years ago today, Space Shuttle Discovery launched in what was the first evening blast-off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This mission was not only historic because a female pilot was at the helm, but it was the first shuttle mission that docked with the Russian space station, Mir. Perhaps one of the reasons we enjoy the benefits of so many technologies is the result of our desire to explore. Objects like our smartphones, digital watches, and calculators are examples of the result technological innovations that we can attribute to the space program. According to NASA’s website, the skills ...

Choosing the Theme for Ci 4.0 Camp Infinity

Choosing the Theme for Ci 4.0

Therefore to teach STEM well the team needs a problem to solve. They can bring their collective interests, specializations, and knowledge to the problem to develop a solution. At Camp Infinity we select a new theme each year for our summer camps so we can highlight problems for our campers to solve. This theme gives us a framework on which to structure our varied activities. The activities require expertise in science, technology, engineering, and math. This allows campers to see how a variety of science fields are required to solve a common problem. This helps foster teamwork—no one person can ...

Help Us Send More Kids to Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

Help Us Send More Kids to Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity is an eternal investment in the hearts and lives of young people. At Camp Infinity we have the joy and honor of pouring into the lives of academically-gifted young people, many of whom will go on to post-secondary education to work in STEM careers. In our day STEM is largely controlled by an atheistic, naturalistic worldview. Our young people need to be equipped with a biblical worldview so they can stand strong against this naturalistic teaching. But running a high-quality STEM camp, especially one that integrates STEM activities with apologetics teaching and a low camper to counselor ratio, ...

Build and Program Your Own Lego Robot @ Home Robotics

Build and Program Your Own Lego Robot @ Home

Lego just announced the upcoming release of Lego Boost, a kit of motors and programmable bricks that works with the colored bricks many children already own. The three special Boost bricks include “a tilt sensor, a color and distance sensor and a motor.” Also included in the kit are 843 Lego pieces and a special play mat for robotic creations to move around on. Kids, age seven and up, can build one of four robots included in the kit or dig into their Lego buckets and design their own motorized or motion-sensing cars, planes, cranes, or whatever else they can ...

December 2016 Newsletter Stories

December 2016 Newsletter

A BIT of News from Ci Merry Christmas from Camp Infinity Christmas Meditation Ci 4.0 Summer Schedule -- Accepting Applications Ci 4.0 Fall Events -- Growing Ci Ci 4.0 Recruiting -- Building Ci 4.0 Summer Team Creation Under the Stars -- Ci Remote Camps are Born! Ci Community Outreach -- Coaching FIRST Lego League Team Ci on Social Media  Ci Blogs  Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Scholarship Needs Christmas Meditations Christmas -- The One who created everything, the Infinite One, loves me so much that He was willing to separate Himself from His only legacy, His son Jesus Christ, in ...

Technology—Fighting the Curse Technology

Technology—Fighting the Curse

The Bible tells us why. God created a perfect world (Genesis 1:31) but mankind rebelled against God. This rebellion brought death and suffering into Creation (Genesis 3). It broke what God had made perfect. As part of the punishment for sin, God cursed creation. All of creation now suffers and groan under this Curse (Romans ). In His mercy, God has provided ways for us to have temporary relief from the effects of the Curse. This brings us to our sixth truth of technology in our nine-part series: Technology can only give us temporary salvation from the immediate effects of ...

What Was Your Most Memorable Christmas Gift? Stories

What Was Your Most Memorable Christmas Gift?

How about a summer camp experience they won’t soon forget? An overnight or day camp with Camp Infinity (Ci) means hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities (including robotics) and solid apologetics teaching. Your young person will be strengthened in their faith as they discover more about God’s creation with other like-minded young people. Talk about a memorable experience! When I was thinking about Ci as an unforgettable experience for your child, it had me reminiscing about the most memorable Christmas gift I received as a child: As a kid I was always intrigued by electronic gadgets. Of course, ...

"Technology Made Me Do It!" Technology

"Technology Made Me Do It!"

When God called them out for their sin, Adam shifted the blame to his wife and, ultimately, God: “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate” (Genesis 3:12). When God challenged Eve, she pointed the finger at the serpent that tempted and deceived her, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (Genesis 3:13). But did God accept their excuses? No way. He punished the serpent, Eve, and Adam for their sin. They bore the blame for their part in the wrongdoing. In our technological age it might be easy to blame technology ...

Cutting-Edge Research on an Allosaurus Skull at the Creation Museum Creation

Cutting-Edge Research on an Allosaurus Skull at the Creation Museum

Taking a look inside the brain cavity of a dinosaur takes some specialized equipment. Only a handful of engineering companies even have the necessary technology. Answers in Genesis (AiG) partnered with 3D Engineering Solutions of Cincinnati, Ohio, to perform a CT scan of the Allosaurus skull. As far as AiG knows, this is the first time an Allosaurus skull has ever been scanned. This scan shows the size and shape of the brain case, as well as the lines where the bones fused as Ebenezer grew. This is exciting research! Ebenezer’s skull is one of the best-preserved Allosaurus skulls ever uncovered. It is 97% complete and includes 53 teeth. What ...

A Gift They’ll Remember for Decades to Come Camp Infinity

A Gift They’ll Remember for Decades to Come

Are there Christmas gifts you received when you were growing up that you remember fondly? Aside from getting a tube sock (you know, the ones with three thick stripes that you could pull up way over your knees?!) full of apples, oranges, and whatever else grandma could fit in there, I remember well an erector set that my parents purchased for me. Imagine how excited your inquisitive teen will be when they see their Certificate of Registration and choice of Camp Infinity T-Shirt or “Nick Newton is Not a Genius”* book under the tree this Christmas!  Certainly, the prospect of ...

How to Delight Your STEM-Minded Kid for Christmas Camp Infinity

How to Delight Your STEM-Minded Kid for Christmas

There are so many fun and interesting gift ideas in the STEM fields. Here are several ideas you might want to consider this Christmas season for your child (and, perhaps for yourself, too!) . . . Flybricks: Build your own drones using Lego® bricks (all ages) Flybrix is a very cool idea (and, has left us wondering, ‘Why didn’t we come up with it?’). You can build and design your own drone using Lego® bricks. The drone has a computer system that students can program to make it completely customizable! [image source:]   Think & Learn Code-a-pillar® from Fisher-Price ...

Earth Science Week Activity – Hurricane Analysis

Earth Science Week Activity – Hurricane Analysis

Even before the Fall of mankind, God gave Adam and Eve the responsibility of stewarding the Garden of Eden. All humans have a God-given responsibility to use the resources around us to subdue the Earth, so earth science is something that all of us can engage with and celebrate! Here’s a project on the Earth Science Week website that you can do from home []! Hurricanes have been in the news recently. Using the Internet, you can analyze the paths and activity of past hurricanes to see if there are patterns. We’d love to hear your analysis. Also, do you ...

A Homeschool Convention for Everyone in Your Family Camp Infinity

A Homeschool Convention for Everyone in Your Family

Over the past two decades, the homeschool movement has gone from being a “counter-cultural” practice to the preferred way millions of families choose to educate their young people. More and more, it’s not just the select few Christians who have no other options, except to perhaps enroll their children in the local public school. Both believers and non-Christians alike, are holding to the belief that education begins in the home, and that home is their preferred choice in educating the next generation. As more and more people choose home education, more and more secular thought is being promoted to the ...

What Would Happen If . . . You Brought Your Bible to School? Stories

What Would Happen If . . . You Brought Your Bible to School?

This Thursday, you have the opportunity to join tens of thousands of other kids, who love Jesus and have a passion for His Word, by bringing your Bible to school. Focus on the Family’s “Bring Your Bible to School Day” is Thursday, October 6. Here are just a few ways bringing your Bible to school could have an impact in your own life . . . as well as the ones around you! Bringing your Bible to school is a simple way to show that you’re not ashamed of God and His Word. Jesus promised, “Whoever confesses Me before men, ...

Join Us for Ci 4.0 Camp Infinity

Join Us for Ci 4.0

We offer a variety of camps for different ages but all of our camps have one purpose—to grow a love for God’s Word, Jesus Christ, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in young people. Through a variety of hands-on activities, which change every year (although the ever-popular robotics is always a staple), campers grow in their knowledge of God’s creation and how it works. They learn about technology from a biblical perspective and are taught to think on all subjects starting with God’s Word. Many parents are scared of or worried about their child’s love for science because secular ...

8 Reasons to Register Early Camp Infinity

8 Reasons to Register Early

gives you and your child first pick  Each of our weeks of camp has a limit based upon our desire to keep a low camper to counselor ratio in order to give each camper the best possible experience learning STEM from a biblical worldview.   so we can hire the right number of counselors To get the best STEM college majors, we begin recruiting in September.  Our goal is to have the Summer Team selected by Dec 31. It helps us tremendously to hire the right number when we can get a feel for how many campers we will have each week.   save ...

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5:1 - Our Equation for Building Up STEM-Minded Campers

Our campers not only receive solid teaching and the adventure that comes along with the facilities we use, they get the one-on-one attention that will have a lasting effect in their personal, academic, and professional lives going forward.  All of us have heard about the importance of a low student to teacher ratio in school. Here are some ways we see how the low ratio (5:1) at Camp Infinity benefits our campers.  Scientifically-Minded Campers Are Challenged Oftentimes, scientifically-minded students are held back or overlooked in large classroom settings. Camp Infinity was specifically created for these students. They will not only ...

Robots & God -- What This Looks Like @ Ci Robotics

Robots & God -- What This Looks Like @ Ci

STEM is all about teamwork and problem solving. Bringing folks with different talents and personalities together to focus on solving problems. Nothing exposes kids to these aspects of STEM than building a robot. That's why one of the biggest activities in our summer camps is our Robots & God Adventure Workshop. Here are some pictures and a video to help tell the story. Here is a 1-minute fast-paced video from one of our Robots & God workshops using Lego EV3 robots.   Preparations -- before each workshop we first start with setting up the software tools the students will need. This involves ...

“Science Guy” to Host New Program on Netflix Creation

“Science Guy” to Host New Program on Netflix

According to “Variety,” the new program will “tackle a topic from a scientific point of view, dispelling myths, and refuting anti-scientific claims that may be espoused by politicians, religious leaders or titans of industry.” It’s interesting to note that the title of this new program is called, “Bill Nye Saves the World.” Really? What is Mr. Nye saving the world from? During his visit to the Creation Museum, one of our campers asked him about some of life’s most important questions. When asked about humankind’s purpose, Nye responded, “our main purpose in existence is passing on genetic material.” He also ...

Technology—A Substitute for God? Technology

Technology—A Substitute for God?

Mankind has accomplished much in the few thousand years we’ve been on this planet. Just the amount we’ve done in the last few decades is astounding and there’s no end in sight. It may seem like we can accomplish anything, that there are no limits. For those of us who love STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) this mindset can be a big temptation. That leads us to the eighth truth in our Truths of Technology series: One of the greatest temptations we face with technology is to use it as a substitute for God.  It’s tempting to replace God, ...

Farmbot: Fighting the Thorns and Thistles of the Curse Technology

Farmbot: Fighting the Thorns and Thistles of the Curse

I recently came across a really neat video on Facebook featuring something called “Farmbot.” This is a robot, described on their website as “humanity’s first open-source CNC farming machine,” that plants and tends to a vegetable garden in your backyard. You use a smart phone, computer, or tablet to program and control your Farmbot. This robot makes me seriously want to consider getting a 3D printer for Camp Infinity and building one of these! Apparently this machine, if used all year, can grow enough food to feed one person for a year and can even be taken off the grid ...

New Technology, New Choices Technology

New Technology, New Choices

In a series of blog posts I’ve been sharing the nine truths of technology we teach campers. Truth number five is: New technology gives us new choices we never had before. New technology continually gives us new ways to solve problems. For example, robots are increasingly replacing the skilled hand of the surgeon to help reduce the risk of complications and recovery time after surgery. Many of the problems we face in our generation—pollution, ever increasing amounts of plastic waste, energy consumption—will surely be answered by new technologies just waiting to be developed. But with these new technologies come new ...

There’s No Such Thing As Perfect Technology Technology

There’s No Such Thing As Perfect Technology

But, despite all the awe-inspiring things we’ve made, the effects of the Curse taint all technology—there is no perfect technology. The past few weeks we’ve been looking at nine truths of technology and this blog brings us to number three—there is no perfect technology. Hammers still give us blisters; computers fail; rovers get stuck. Since technology is made by sinful humans beings living in a sin-cursed world, fighting the Curse, it’s no surprise that there’s no such thing as perfect technology. Humans have a tendency to want things to be perfect. Read reviews of any product out there and you’ll ...

Technology, Culture, and Change Technology

Technology, Culture, and Change

In my blog we’ve been looking at what I call the “truths of technology.” At Camp Infinity, we use these nine truths to help young people develop a biblical worldview about technology. Last time we saw that: God is working through the tools of the day to accomplish His redemptive plan for mankind. The second technology truth is: A change in technology always results in a change in our culture. A cursory look at history shows that as technology changes, so does the culture. The Industrial Revolution, and all that has quickly followed, has allowed for those in the first world ...

God’s Plan and Technology Technology

God’s Plan and Technology

I posted a blog recently about the truths of technology. We use these nine truths to help young people at Camp Infinity develop a biblical worldview about technology, an increasingly important part of our lives. As technology develops ethical questions arise: Should we try and clone humans? How and where should we utilize renewable resources? What about stem cell research? Young people are the future of developing technology and they need to know how to think biblically about it. Our first truth of technology is: God is working through the tools of the day to accomplish His redemptive plan for ...

Nine Truths of Technology Technology

Nine Truths of Technology

We want to teach the next generation to think biblically about technology. One way we do that is by teaching them principles that they can apply to questions about technology. We call these the “truths of technology.” They help campers look to God’s Word for wisdom and discernment on the use of technology. Here are the nine truths of technology we teach campers at Camp Infinity: 1. God is working through the tools of the day to accomplish His redemptive plan for mankind. (read more ...) 2. A change in technology always results in a change in our culture. (read ...

Making the Most of Every Opportunity Creation

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

I recently travelled to the Pueblo Grande ruins in Phoenix, Arizona during a father-son trip with my son who’s getting married soon. This site features a museum and an archaeological park showcasing the history (or supposed history in some cases) of the Hohokam people. While we were there we saw many signs about how things were many thousands of years old or how these people were “prehistoric.” Here’s one sign I snapped a picture of during our tour: The text reads: “Are they dinosaur bones? No! There are stone tools with the Mammoth bones below. People began hunting these large ...

Ci 4.0 -- BIG ANNOUNCEMENT Camp Infinity


  Announcing Ci 4.0 Dates NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS We are pleased to announce our 2017 summer schedule AND open our Ci 4.0 application/registration process.  dates, prices, tuition reduction options now accepting applications adding Ark Encounter to our apologetics and STEM curriculum (for overnight youth camps) combined overnight camps to offer several 6-day camps and made it more affordable so more kids can experience STEM from a biblical worldview moved Family Camp to holiday allowing more families to be able to come offering junior and teen day camps same time as Family Camp Overnight Youth Camp -- June 26 - July 1 ...

August 2016 Newsletter Stories

August 2016 Newsletter

  Ci 3.0 SUMMERy Another camp summer is history. We praise the Lord for the team, the program, the campers, the families and most of all the eternal results of Ci 3.0.  Our theme for Ci 3.0 was energy. We looked at what it is, where it comes from, what we do with it, how it works. Some of the favorite STEM activities were the following: Energy Theater - Campers acted out energy transformations and transfers as a unit of energy. Solar Oven - Campers designed and created an object that would use the energy from the sun to cook s’mores. Food Energy ...

Seven Reasons to Send Your Child to Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

Seven Reasons to Send Your Child to Camp Infinity

The director opened with a quote from the former president of Harvard University, “I have the conviction that a few weeks in a well-organized summer camp may be of more value educationally than a whole year of formal school work.” He then proceeded to give five reasons parents should send their kids to camp. I would like to borrow his five reasons and add on two of my own that are unique to Camp Infinity. For adventure. At Camp Infinity (Ci) young people are in for an adventure—an adventure of hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning as they ...

Ci Fossil Sluice Opens at Ark Encounter Camp Infinity

Ci Fossil Sluice Opens at Ark Encounter

Here’s how the sluice works: young people and adults alike purchase a bag of dirt, empty it into a mining tray, and pan for fossils in an authentic mining sluice. Each person is guaranteed to find multiple fossils such as shark teeth or various shells to take home as souvenirs or to expand a personal collection. Each person also receives an identification card to take home so they can identify and learn more about the fossils they’ve found. This card gives a biblical perspective on fossils and explains how they are not the result of millions of years of slow ...

Technology and Creativity Technology

Technology and Creativity

Computer programs help artists create something beautiful, cameras capture moments in time or allow directors, actors, and producers to work together to make a production, recording equipment preserves the talent of musicians, and 3D modeling helps architects and designers plan buildings. Even the process of inventing technology is an outlet of creativity. Creation displays God’s creativity and, as image bearers of the Creator, it's no surprise humans are incredibly creative. I recently saw this video and it immediately reminded me of how humans use technology to express creativity: These guys rigged a drone to carry a useable, running chainsaw (not ...

Teen Day Camp: A Week of Fun, Fellowship, and Learning Camp Infinity

Teen Day Camp: A Week of Fun, Fellowship, and Learning

It’s been a busy summer at Camp Infinity as we welcome new and returning campers each week for a different camp—it’s certainly keeping us on our toes! Well, we recently completed our Teen Day Camp at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. It was an exciting week of fun, fellowship, and learning. Campers participated in a host of hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities, heard from apologetics speakers, and had a great time working together in teams to solve problems. The theme for Ci 3.0 was energy and many of our activities were structured around this idea. Here ...

The Pokémon Go Craze and Your Heart Technology

The Pokémon Go Craze and Your Heart

By now you or dozens of your friends with smartphones have downloaded the Pokémon Go app. The augmented reality mobile game that was released in the United States on July 6, yes, just over a week ago, has already been downloaded onto over 7.5 million Android and iOS devices. The game has overtaken Twitter in the number of daily active users. So, what’s the big deal, and is Pokémon Go something you, or your children, should participate in playing? How Do You Play? Pokémon Go is a free app that’s very simple to download on either Google Play or iTunes. You ...

Camp Infinity Campers Meet Bill Nye “The Science Guy” Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity Campers Meet Bill Nye “The Science Guy”

Several weeks ago during a Facebook live video, Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis’ president and CEO of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, publicly invited TV personality and engineer Bill Nye to tour the full-size Noah’s Ark. The two were familiar with one another from their well-watched debate on origins at the Creation Museum in 2014. Well, Bill Nye took Ken Ham up on his offer and got a personal tour of the Ark soon after it opened. After his visit to the Ark, Nye toured the Creation Museum where he met up with a group of Camp Infinity students. ...

Junior Day Camp a Big Success! Camp Infinity

Junior Day Camp a Big Success!

Junior camp is a three day camp and many of the campers’ families came with them and enjoyed touring the Creation Museum and visiting other attractions in the area while their young person performed experiments, built robots, and was equipped to think biblically about STEM. Our theme for all of the Ci 3.0 summer camps is energy and many of our activities are structured around this idea. As junior campers participated in their activities they often had to work together to accomplish tasks so they learned the important lesson of teamwork. Here are some of the various activities these young ...

Faith-building 5-Day Overnight STEM Camp Camp Infinity

Faith-building 5-Day Overnight STEM Camp

But there are solid answers for the skeptical questions of our day! And young people need to be equipped with these answers so they can stand boldly on the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what Camp Infinity (Ci) exists to do. We want to help science-minded young people realize that God’s Word can be trusted from the very first verse and equip them to think biblically in all areas, including science. If you have a science-minded young person in grades 7-12, consider sending them to Camp Infinity’s 5-day overnight camp this summer, July 11-15. ...

Teen Day Ci Experience @ Creation Museum Camp Infinity

Teen Day Ci Experience @ Creation Museum

Do you have a teen who is curious about God’s creation, loves STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and wants to learn more about how God’s Word provides a foundation for thinking about science? If you do, consider sending them to Camp Infinity (Ci) teen day camp this summer from June 27-July 1, 2016 for an incredible learning opportunity. Teen campers, grades 7-12, will participate in biblical apologetics activities, a CSI adventure, STEM activities led by college counselors, and robotics adventures. Each of these activities teaches your curious teen more about science, God’s creation, and how to think biblically about ...

Join Us for Family Camp Camp Infinity

Join Us for Family Camp

Moms, dads, and kids of all ages love family camp. Parents get to learn all about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) during special demonstrations, helping them understand the field that has captivated the interest of their child. And kids of all ages get to learn more about STEM by doing daily hands-on activities and experiments including things like robotics, geocaching, straw towers, egg drop, and geodesic dome. And the activities change every year, bringing families back for more.   Families get to tour the world-class Creation Museum together and attend special creation apologetics sessions with speakers with degrees in ...

Ken Ham Visits a Ci Robots & God Workshop Robotics

Ken Ham Visits a Ci Robots & God Workshop

At a recent Ci Mobile Robotics Camp we hosted at the Atlanta Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention we were joined by Answers in Genesis’ (AiG) president Ken Ham! For a live Facebook video, he interviewed me about our Ci robotics workshops and then chatted with some of the kids and got them to show off their creations. The kids were having a great time and were eager to show off what they had made. Watch the full video here: Ci Mobile camps are a great way of introducing kids to the excitement of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Research ...

Family STEM Camp - Why? Camp Infinity

Family STEM Camp - Why?

I enjoy asking campers and counselor applicants a very simple question - "Why?" It makes people think. So I decided to ask, and hopefully answer, that question for myself - why am I starting a Family Camp this summer? Here are the primary reasons: To fulfil the request of Ci families who have been asking for this since Ci 1.0 To encourage and equip families with STEM-talented young people To provide early exposure of STEM to younger child To expose more families to the value of combining STEM & biblical worldview To help families prepare their children for their future overnight ...

Biblical Creationist Invents Life-Saving Technology Technology

Biblical Creationist Invents Life-Saving Technology

Just a few days ago I had my semi-annual brain scan using Dr. Damadian’s world-changing invention, the MRI scanner. His technology worked. Using a strong magnet, a magnetic field, and pulses of radio wave energy, the scanner takes pictures of internal structures such as organs. As the body is scanned, radio waves force naturally occurring hydrogen atoms to realign themselves. As they straighten back into position, they emit energy that the MRI scanner is then able to capture and turn into an image. This method of scanning does not do any damage to the body and is completely non-invasive. It ...

Worship Earth or Earth’s Creator? Creation

Worship Earth or Earth’s Creator?

Because they start with man’s opinion, rather than God’s Word, evolutionists do not have a proper understanding of the purpose of this earth or our proper place in it. They view earth as the result of natural processes over million of years and often see humans as a blight on the earth. Everything was fine until mankind evolved to come along and wreck it. They elevate nature above mankind and worship it as if it were some kind of god. Sadly many young people will be taught this perspective today in public schools as they participate in Earth Day activities. ...

Two Ministries; One Mission Camp Infinity

Two Ministries; One Mission

Answers in Genesis (AiG) is a well-known creation ministry headed up by president Ken Ham. In Northern Kentucky, they have built the world-class Creation Museum (visited by over 2 million guests) and are building the coming Ark Encounter, a full-size Noah’s Ark opening July 7, 2016. AiG employs full-time, PhD creation research scientists, publishes Answers magazine as well as a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, Answers Research Journal. They even have a vibrant international ministry reaching out to Christians and unbelievers all around the world. AiG’s mission is biblical authority. They seek to equip the church, families, and individual Christians to stand ...

Fighting the Curse Technology

Fighting the Curse

Our theology of technology says that technology exists to help us temporarily fight against the immediate effects of the Curse. Everyday people struggle with poor health or medical issues, environmental calamities that make living and growing food difficult, and life-threatening emergencies. These are all effects of the Curse on creation that was brought about by sin. Our best efforts can temporarily fight these effects but they can never fully cure them. This helps us realize God has provided the only permanent solution to the Curse through Jesus Christ. Health care technology is an excellent example. As a type 2 diabetic, ...

Ci by the Numbers Camp Infinity

Ci by the Numbers

March 2016 Last Month   % increase from last year   Last Month   % increase from last year 1297 Facebook Likes 67%   6 Weeks of Camp 50% 912 Twitter Followers new   132 Camper Applications 60% 1073 Instagram Followers new   89 Camper Registrations 56% 1646 Newsletter Recipients 94%   34 Alumni Returning 70% 4080 Visitors to Website 70%   6 Staff 50% 15,862 Pageviews 501%   13 Summer Staff 18% 22,888 Facebook Reach 206%   $32,290 Donations 42% 335,238 Google Impressions 1085%   4 Blogs Published 50% 2271 Google Clicks 3623%   232 Charlie Bot Friends 190% ...

GPS: Life-saving Technology Technology

GPS: Life-saving Technology

GPS is one of the technologies we have highlighted at Ci in the past. Here’s how it works, according to Garmin, a major producer of GPS systems: GPS relies on information from highly precise satellites in orbit around the Earth to track the exact location of the user. The satellites send information to GPS receivers, which compare the time the signal left the satellite with the time it reached the GPS receiver. The more satellites the GPS can contact, the more accurate the information, but it must contact at least three. Using the information from all three (or more) satellites ...

Introducing Kids to Robot Programming Robotics

Introducing Kids to Robot Programming

You can encourage your young person in their interest in computer programming through robotics programming (also known as coding). This is a valuable skill that teaches problem solving. Young people are presented with a problem, something that needs to be automated or interface where information is needed, or perhaps apps that need to talk to one another. They have a computer that knows certain commands or instructions such as, in the case of robotics, move forward, turn left, turn right, or read sensor. They then create a sequence of instructions to solve the problem using the commands—this is the challenging ...

Introducing Ci Staff Members Camp Infinity

Introducing Ci Staff Members

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to successfully run Camp Infinity. Having incorporated just two years ago, I am thrilled that the Lord has blessed us with a growing team of six people who work year round to build and grow Ci. Of course, during the summer when we have campers, there are a lot more than six people who keep all the wheels turning! But during the (somewhat) quieter off-season months, the six of us are hard at work getting ready for next year. I’d like to introduce you to each of them, telling you a ...

Is STEM Just for Boys? Technology

Is STEM Just for Boys?

Dr. Georgia Purdom, a molecular geneticist who works at Answers in Genesis, recently sent me an excellent article about girls in STEM. The author writes, “Many well-meaning teachers still have a misconception that boys are better at math or are more likely to have higher IQ’s. These ideas have been proven false by research and can be very harmful to students who might otherwise excel in math and science.” The author goes on to say that girls are often discouraged from showing interest in STEM and eventually they just lose interest. Also, research shows that biases and negative stereotypes affect girls’ ...

Upcoming Ci 3.0 Camps Camp Infinity

Upcoming Ci 3.0 Camps

Robots + Zipline + Learning God's Word + Good Food + Tons of Fun = Camp Infinity Summer Camps! - Conflicting Worldviews College Camp: Coming up quickly, May 15-19, 2016, this camp is designed for college students who want to be thoroughly equipped to stand on God’s Word through the onslaught of anti-biblical teaching they’ll hear in college (sadly, often times even in Christian colleges!).  - Kids Camp: It’s never too early to start learning about God’s Word and God’s creation! This three-day camp is designed for curious 3-6 graders. Through fun, hands-on learning, they will see the power and creativity of the ...

Exciting Gift Matching Opportunity Camp Infinity

Exciting Gift Matching Opportunity

This Fossil Find will allow kids of all ages to dig for their own fossils to take home with them. Included with any fossils the kids find is a card that gives them the biblical explanation for fossils (where else in the world would you find this mix of science and truth?). So they learn about God’s Word and science while having fun! This is sure to be a popular attraction with families. In sponsoring the Fossil Find, Camp Infinity will get incredible exposure allowing more families to learn about our camps. The attraction will be named “Camp Infinity Fossil Find,” and ...

STEM—God’s Gift! Creation

STEM—God’s Gift!

God is the Creator of science. He designed the universe to operate in a logical, orderly fashion that we can study, observe, and make conclusions about. It’s because of our Creator that we can even do science! Young people, especially those interested in STEM, need to know the truth that they were created and that science glorifies God and confirms His Word. That is what Camp Infinity (Ci) exists to do. Through summer camp programs, they show young campers how to view science from a biblical worldview perspective. Utilizing STEM, campers are encouraged to learn more about God’s creation through ...

Building Team Ci 3.0 Camp Infinity

Building Team Ci 3.0

A lot of planning, miles traveled, and prayer goes into assembling the Camp Infinity summer team! Here's a taste of what it takes. . .  The Right Timing Camp director Dan & his assistant Emily, begin the plans to build the next summer team in early October, months before camp begins. This is an exciting and challenging time as they begin connecting with college STEM students who are passionate about their field of study and about connecting STEM with a biblical worldview.  The Team travels to several colleges around the East Coast to let faculty and students know about Ci’s ...

6 Affordable Ways to Make the Camp Infinity Investment Camp Infinity

6 Affordable Ways to Make the Camp Infinity Investment

Director Dan’s Notes: Don’t spend $100K (or more) for a college education without making sure your child is actually interested in that field of study.  Here are 6 easy ways to make the Camp Infinity STEM education investment affordable for your student . . . Early Bird Registration - register your child by Feb 1 and receive up to $55 off his tuition fee (details) Tuition Lock - each year your child returns, his tuition will remain the same as his prior year (details) Scholarships - we are looking for students who have an appetite for knowledge so we offer ...

Why I took a Drone Apart (3 Times) So You Don't Have To! Technology

Why I took a Drone Apart (3 Times) So You Don't Have To!

Director Dan’s Notes: “I took a Typhoon Q500 4K drone apart 3 times, so you don’t have to!”  In the case of learning about drones and the lingo associated with the technology behind them, I took one apart and rebuilt it. In so doing, I’ve learned about ESC’s, motors, firmware updates for drones, controller and cameras, gyroscopes, GPSs, satellites, barometers, wifi networks (yes, there’s more than one per drone), ESC/motor assignment, compass calibration, and so much more.  We're going to have a great time this summer using some of the new terms and flying skills I've been learning . . . ...

You’ll Know How to  “Speak Drone” After Reading This Technology

You’ll Know How to “Speak Drone” After Reading This

Director Dan’s Notes: “Don’t ever be too proud to ask ‘What does that mean?’” New technologies create new cultures of people who embrace them. Think about it, 15 years ago, only a small percentage of Internet users even knew what the term “Google it” meant! On top of that, learning the acronyms associated with language can be just as crucial–we see that efficiency every day when we send text messages! When learning new acronyms, don’t ever be too proud to ask “What does that mean?” We all know what LOL means now, but there was a time when some of ...

2 Special Men of God @ Ci Summer Camps Creation

2 Special Men of God @ Ci Summer Camps

Another man of God which we are priviledged to know is the man God used to invent the MRI scanner, Dr. Raymond Damadian. Here is a blog written by Ken Ham about Dr Damadian's endorsement of Ci. Having men like Ken Ham and Raymond Damadian speak to our campers is one of the things that makes our STEM camp stand apart from all other STEM camps.  We look forward to having Dr. Damadian as one of our key speakers this summer at our 7-Day & 5-Day Overnight STEM camps. Apply today for a limited number of openings. Scholarships and other tuition ...

Programming Apps for Kids for THIS Decade Robotics

Programming Apps for Kids for THIS Decade

Let's start with a couple of definitions. Algorithmic work is routine. A process has been defined and the work simply involves following the well defined steps in this process. The worker is taught the process and expected to follow it without error. I am reminded of the work I did at Jeep Corporation while paying my way through college. Most of the jobs I did involved algorithmic work. One way to look at algorithmic work is that which can be automated by a computer or robot. There isn't much of a future for humans who do algorithmic work.  Heuristic work requires ...

Bionic Ears Technology

Bionic Ears

For over twenty years, my hearing had been progressively declining. I could not hear birds sing, crickets chirp, or my young daughter whisper. Hearing aids weren’t enough. I couldn’t even do the simplest things, like having a conversation in a restaurant or talking on the phone. They were nearly impossible. When I was a child, my ears functioned normally. They faithfully performed the incredible task of translating sound waves into electrical signals, then sending them to my brain. First, the outer ear collected the sounds and directed them to an amplifier in the middle ear. These vibrations then moved to ...

More Like College than Camp  Camp Infinity

More Like College than Camp

Being an academic camp, it is our desire to insure that campers come to our Ci Summer Camps understanding and want our unique approach to STEM & biblical worldview. Therefore, we require each camper's parent to submit an application before we allow registration. This is not intended to scare away any would-be campers, but is meant to help parents assess if the Ci Summer Camp experience is a good fit for their young person.  Here’s an outline of the process for a student to attend one of our Ci Summer Camps: create family account * create a camper account * apply ...

Season 3.0 is Underway Stories

Season 3.0 is Underway

A BIT of News from Ci Season 3.0 is Underway Ci 3.0 Accepting Applications Ci 3.0 Fall Camps Ci 3.0 Recruiting Ci 3.0 Drone Activity (exciting camp announcement)  Ci Community Outreach  Ci Expands on Social Media  Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Investors Needed Ci 3.0 Accepting Applications We are excited to be able to announce our new and improved online registration system is officially open!! We are accepting applications for all 6 of our Ci 3.0 Summer Camps. Since opening camper acceptance 2 days ago, we have received several applications. Some from former Ci campers and some from new ...

STEM Jobs in Demand Technology

STEM Jobs in Demand

One of the most challenging, not to mention, rewarding roles we have as parents is to help our children see how they may use their talents and gifts for service in God’s Kingdom.  Recently, as I was preparing a talk for a Christian school state teacher's conference, I came across this graphic which stated that for every 1 unemployed person, there are 1.7 STEM-related jobs available (Conversely, in the area of non-STEM jobs, there are 4.1 unemployed persons for every job). While I was aware the demand for STEM employees was growing, I hadn't realized the extent to which it has ...

Ci 2.0 Reflections Stories

Ci 2.0 Reflections

A BIT of News from Ci Ci 2.0 Reflections Ci 2.0 Reflections Theology of Technology Talks Child Safety Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Ci on Facebook Ci 3.0 Plans Ci 2.0 Reflections At the end of a summer of camps, it is becoming my tradition to get away for a few days to a family farm in Ohio. It gives me time to reflect on the parallels between camps and farms. The Ci 2.0 Team had worked hard since January creating an amazing 5 programs that combined new STEM activities, biblical apologetics speakers, museum tours and much more. Then ...

We Provide More Than Summer Camps Camp Infinity

We Provide More Than Summer Camps

My name is Dan Wooster. I am the founder and director of a brand new camp that I think might be of interest to your young people. It is called Camp Infinity and it is located near the Creation Museum in the greater Cincinnati area. Ci is an unprecedented camp, which uniquely combines the academics of STEM along with the biblical apologetics of a young earth creation worldview.  Camp Infinity is unlike any other camp. By combining elite STEM education with strong biblical apologetics, we seek to inspire young people to discover wonder and amazement in everything they see in ...

The Ci Advantage Stories

The Ci Advantage

A BIT of News from Ci The Ci Advantage Ci Advantage:  Partnering with Parents Ci 2.0 College Camp - Huge Success! Theology of Technology Talks Child Safety Filming @ Creation Museum Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Ci on Facebook Where in the World is Charlie Bot? Still Have Room for Ci 2.0 Campers Ci Advantage:  Partnering with Parents I enjoyed having a conversation with a camper's parent last weekend as we discussed the investment value of camp and compared it with the cost of higher education.  This mom's evaluation was that the Ci investment was valuable to her because ...

Ci Connects Families to the Creation Museum Camp Infinity

Ci Connects Families to the Creation Museum

One of the joys I have as the director of Camp Infinity is connecting families to the ministry of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. I've loved this ministry for the past 20 years after being first introduced to it by one of my college students, Nathan Ham, son of Ken and Mally. I started Ci because I have a strong desire to see young people, especially ones with an interest in STEM, be equipped like Daniel of the Old Testament. So they are competent to stand before the kings of their culture and proclaim God's Truth and point ...

Ci 2.0 Promoting and Progress Stories

Ci 2.0 Promoting and Progress

A BIT of News from Ci Ci 2.0 Promoting and Progress Ci 2.0 != Ci 1.0 Theology of Technology Talks Staff Recruitment Child Safety Conference School Year Programs Continue to Grow  Meet Ci 2.0 Team Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Ci on Facebook Where in the World is Charlie Bot? Help us Promote Ci 2.0 Ci 2.0 != Ci 1.0 One of the questions Ci 1.0 parents ask about Ci 2.0 is "Will my child be challenged given they attended Ci 1.0?"  While we recognize that this is a valid concern, we want to put everyone's mind to rest on ...

Ci 2.0 Preparations Underway Stories

Ci 2.0 Preparations Underway

A BIT of News from Ci Ci 2.0 Preparations Underway New Trade-Show Booth Cedarville University Recruiting & Tour Higher Ground Camp & Conference Center Tour Answers in Genesis Planning  Help Us Promote Ci 2.0 Meet Ci 2.0 Team Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Perspectives on Giving New Trade-Show Booth One of the requirements to grow Ci is putting together a highly qualified and trained summer staff team. It is our summer staff team, primarily the counselors, who connect closely with our campers to deliver C.A.M.P. (Creation Apologetics Made Personal). We maintain a much lower camper to counselor ratio than most ...

Science & Economics of Genetically Modified Seeds Technology

Science & Economics of Genetically Modified Seeds

I love spending time here in the cornfields of central Ohio. My most recent trip I received an education on the science and economics of GMO seeds (genetically modified organisms). I smell a future Ci camp program in the works!! Here's a simple overview of how it all works: The positive side of the story: Seed companies learned how to make seeds that were resistant to herbicides (a.k.a., RoundUp) and insects. They applied for and received patents to protect their discovery. Farmers saw an economic benefit to using GMO seeds. Now the twist: The bugs and the weeds adapted. This ...

Tuition Reduction Program: Scholarship Camp Infinity

Tuition Reduction Program: Scholarship

STEM camps are very engaging, but with all the activities, technologies, and accommodations, it can stretch a family budget. So, Camp Infinity has created 8 ways for a family to help offset some of this investment cost. Earned scholarships is one of them. Here are the guidelines: Each student attending a 7-day camp can earn up to $150 to apply against his tuition. Each student attending a 5-day camp can earn up to $100 to apply against his tuition. Select one of the books from the list below. Read the book and write a 400-500 word report.   Reports will be ...

Ci Activity: Physics Zipline Adventure Camp Infinity

Ci Activity: Physics Zipline Adventure

Unforgettable and mentally engaging - words that describe our Physics Zipline Adventure which is one of our many STEM activities designed to challenge the mind and engage the heart this summer at our Ci 2.0 7-day experience. The Physics Zipline Adventure was one of the most favored STEM activities of Camp Infinity. Here is a summary of the STEM that students experienced in this event: build a clinometer used a straw, string, metal washer and protractor to make enables the user to measure an angle from horizontal   measure the height of the towers measure the distance from where you ...

Ken Ham Endorses Ci 2.0 Stories

Ken Ham Endorses Ci 2.0

Ci & Answers in Genesis Ci strives to inspire young people to learn STEM and develop solid Bible answers to guard their heart and present God's truth to their culture. One of the organizations we are very proud to be strongly aligned with is Answers in Genesis. AiG's focus is to provide answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth. The Creation Museum, a ministry of AiG, provides Ci the perfect place to give our students hands-on exposure to both STEM and apologetics (answers).  AiG's founder ...

Amazing Story of God's Provision for a Ci Camper Stories

Amazing Story of God's Provision for a Ci Camper

When I started Ci, I had no idea what a blessing was in store as I get a front row seat to the stories of God's amazing grace as He works in the hearts of our campers! This one just came in before Christmas and I felt it appropriate to share as we have requested donations for our Camper Scholarship Fund.Here is the story as shared by the mother of one of our Ci 1.0 campers: I wanted to let you know about a change in his application for this coming year. We had requested financial assistance, but our son ...

Announcing Ci 2.0 Details Stories

Announcing Ci 2.0 Details

A BIT of News from Ci Announcing Ci 2.0 Details Ci 2.0 Summer Camp Details Ci Registration Process NEW Tuition Reduction Program NEW Ci Investment Video for Parents Ci by the Numbers Blessings & Needs Ci 2.0 Summer Camp Details This summer we are offering several STEM camps for junior high, high school and college students. We are pleased to announce the dates, programs, pricing & our newly-designed Tuition Reduction Program so our campers and their families can plan a Ci Experience into their summer schedules. Explore for more details on our schedule for next summer. Ci Registration Process Explore our website for more details ...

New Approach to Scholarships Camp Infinity

New Approach to Scholarships

Our first summer, thanks completely to the generosity of the friends of Ci, 65% of our campers received a $300 scholarship allowing them to afford STEM camp. It was a great first summer, but as we looked to the future, the Lord has laid on our heart, a slightly different approach. We want to share this with our donors to see if the Lord would have you partner with us for Ci Scholarships. We have created 6 different ways in which a family can help reduce their young person's tuition. If you are interested in learning more about them, explore our ...

Ci 2.0 Fall & Summer Ci 2.0 Fall Camps Camp Infinity

Ci 2.0 Fall & Summer Ci 2.0 Fall Camps

  A BIT of News from Ci Ci 2.0 Fall & Summer  Ci 2.0 Fall Camps Ci Mini: Conflicting Worldviews Ci Mobile: Robotics 101 Adventure Ci 2.0 Summer Camps Ci by the Numbers  Blessings & Needs Ci 2.0 Fall Camps We conducted our first Fall camps last month, running a Ci Mini: Conflicting Worldviews Camp and a Ci Mobile: Robotics 101 Adventure Camp. Both of these camps were very well received as confirmed by the data we received from the post event surveys. Both of these camps provide our team with excellent ways to extend the mission of Ci during ...

Ci 1.0 Experiences & Ci 2.0 Events Stories

Ci 1.0 Experiences & Ci 2.0 Events

A BIT of News from CiCi 1.0 Experiences & Ci 2.0 Events  Ci 2.0 Events Ci 1.0 Apologetics Applied Ci 1.0 STEM Experienced Ci by the Numbers  Blessings & NeedsCi 2.0 PlansBased upon the success of Ci 1.0, we are happy to announce plans for Ci 2.0.  Ci Mini - program designed to give Christian schools & home school groups a 2-3 day Ci experience of STEM + Creation Apologetics Made Personal; starting in October; contact us via email for more details ([email protected]) Ci Mobile - program designed to bring a taste of Ci to your campus or home school ...

We Want God's Guidance Stories

We Want God's Guidance

As we look back on the months which led up to a most successful Ci 1.0, we can confidently say "To God be the Glory!" There were many folks praying and we believe the spiritual fruit that is growing in the lives of the counselors & campers is evidence to God answering their prayers!Our desire as we begin the process of creating Ci 2.0, is to ask God's people who are interested in the mission of Camp Infinity, to partner with us in prayer. Here are a few specific requests we would like to share. We believe strongly that when others ...

Ci 1.0 Investment Report Stories

Ci 1.0 Investment Report

Having made my livelihood working in business most of my life, I understand the importance of sharing reports like this to investors. An investor, by definition, is a person who allocates capital with the expectation of a financial return. While each of you fit the first part of this definition, you have allocated to Ci some of your financial capital, we would agree that the second part of the definition does not fit this context. Most folks would use the term "eternal investment" to distinguish. Therefore, this report, by God's amazing grace, will focus on the eternal returns we saw from ...

Collaboration Through Robotics Robotics

Collaboration Through Robotics

We often hear about "21st century job skills" - things people should know in order to be best prepared for jobs today. This phrase recently caught my attention "Collaboration is not a 21st Century Skill, it is a 21st Century Essential."  Collaboration, what is it? the action of working together to produce or create something to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor Part of the idea is that "two heads are better than one." I enjoyed reading the book The Wright Way. It presented a great historic example of collaboration. The Wright Brothers, created one of the ...

Ci 1.0 Reflections & Preparations Stories

Ci 1.0 Reflections & Preparations

A BIT of News from Ci Reflections & Preparations  Prayer Yields Fruit Ci by the Numbers Camper Survey Results  Blessings & Needs Prayer Yields FruitIt seems hard to believe that three weeks of camp are over.  Months of preparation have gone into these three weeks which included the following:  creating a new curriculum, training counselors, promoting an unprecedented new camp, acquiring suitable accommodations, making arrangements with three museums, creating more than a dozen STEM activities. After preparing,  I realized that it was the prayers of God's people that gave the strength for us to fulfill our mission to be effective ...

Cornfields, Campers & Contentment Camp Infinity

Cornfields, Campers & Contentment

One of the many blessings in my life has been to marry into a farm family. Growing up in the city exposed me to digital technology at an early age. While marrying a farm girl, has given me a great understanding of farming and a great appreciation for it. Having just completed three of the most engaging, energy-demanding weeks of my life, the launch of Camp Infinity, it has been a very special break to come to the farm and reflect for a few days about the last three weeks. I enjoy walking along the corn fields here in central Ohio ...

First Week of Ci is HIStory! Stories

First Week of Ci is HIStory!

A BIT of News from CiFirst Week of Ci is HIStory I thought I would take advantage of the 25 hours of "rest" between week 1 & week 2 of Ci to give you a brief overview from our first week. God gave us a gang of geeks who love the Bible! They enjoyed every activity we had designed - STEM & apologetics. Each camper was highly-engaged, very inquisitive and articulate. They asked good questions of each of our 12 speakers. Staff at the Creation Museum mentioned to me they had not seen this level of intense learning and engagement ...

Ci by the Numbers Stories

Ci by the Numbers

One would expect a camp named infinity to spend some time with numbers. So here you are. Praise God by the numbers! 38 - number of campers God has given us to inspire to glorify the Creator thru STEM + CAMP (creation apologetics made personal) 10 - number of godly STEM college majors who love God and desire to impact junior high campers to achieve all God wants them to be for His glory  5 - number of staff who are helping execute the vision The Lord has given for Ci 143 - number of hours of hands-on STEM and ...

Sneak Preview Day @ Ci Stories

Sneak Preview Day @ Ci

The Ci Team has been busy creating a fun, memorable and challenging 7 days of STEM + CAMP (Creation Apologetics Made Personal) activities. We thought you might like to take a sneak peak at one 25 hour period. 0700 Rise & Shine 0800 Breakfast 0830 Sword & Shield Time (CAMP) 0900 Transportation Science Activity (STEM) 1000 CSI Adventure @ Creation Museum (CAMP) 1200 Dr Georgia Purdom (STEM/CAMP) 1300 Lunch with Dr Purdom (STEM/CAMP) 1400 Physics Zipline Adventure (STEM) 1630 CSI Adventure @ Creation Museum (CAMP) 1800 Nutrition Science (STEM) 1900 Ken Ham (CAMP) 2000 Dr Danny Faulkner (STEM/CAMP) 2100 Planetarium ...

Praise + Prayer = Promise Stories

Praise + Prayer = Promise

With less than four weeks until Ci's very first program, this morning I awoke with a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. There is so much to do it seems! This has hit me before. When it does, I find that reflecting on God's provisions of the past, gives me a promised expectation that, by keeping my trust and focus on Him, He will bring to pass all that is needed. This brings a calmness to my spirit and soon the pit of my stomach feels better. :-)What helps me the most is knowing God has placed upon ...

Turing Test Has Been Passed After 64 Years? Technology

Turing Test Has Been Passed After 64 Years?

Since 1950, when the famous mathmetician and computer scientist Alan Turing proposed a test of computer intelligence named the Turing Test, one of the most intreguing questions about the future of computers has been "Will a computer become as intelligent as a human?". According to some sources like the Washington Post, Foxnews , the famous Turing Test was passed by a computer this past Saturday.  Turing's original question was "Can machines think?" The challenge with this question is coming up with a clear & measureable definition of what it means to "think." So Turing modified his original question with this one "Are there ...

Thanks to Our Scholarship Fund Donors Camp Infinity

Thanks to Our Scholarship Fund Donors

Starting a STEM + Faith camp has taught me much about trusting in God's provision. My heart has been deeply touched and overwhelmed to see how the Lord has burdened the hearts of His people to give gifts. Here are the names of businesses and individuals who have given to our 2014 Ci Scholarship Fund. Ted Allston Marc Chetta, MD Derrick Christ Alan & Erika Cropsey Marian Cropsey Janice Diehl CUI Distribution Andrew Gerber Harvest Baptist Church, Rock Hill SC Tim Joiner Andrew Law Tim Loudenslager Kevin McGee Masterbooks Publishing Tim Morgan Tim & Wendy Nanney John Neal Jaclyn Ong Jan & Bill Parker Jon & ...

Thanks to Our Sponsors Camp Infinity

Thanks to Our Sponsors

We would like to thank the following organizations for donating tools and supplies to assist Camp Infinity in its inaugural year. provided iPads for each camper to keep a daily journal of what they learn provided laptop computers for programming the robots provided the tools for an engineering activity to explore tension and compression provided tree slices for an activity to explore dendrochronology provided complimentary design and creativity consulting services for our brand, website and advertising creations  

God Knows How to Count II Camp Infinity

God Knows How to Count II

I had a cool "God Knows How to Count" story happen this weekend for Camp Infinity. I shared this with our supporters. It has been a blessing to many on Facebook (our most viewed post) so I thought it would be good to share it here.  Friday night, a father who had received a $300 scholarship for his child, emailed me and said God provided all the finances he needed to send his son to Ci. He wanted to know if I could give the scholarship to somebody else. Not knowing what was about to happen the next morning, I ...

What do robots have in common with dinosaurs? Robotics

What do robots have in common with dinosaurs?

You arrive for your very first visit at the acclaimed Creation Museum, ready to learn about dinosaurs and the Bible, but instead you are greeted in the main lobby by a pair of battling robots. What's going on here?? Having taught college computer science for the past 30 years, I saw a need to creatively engage precollege students to consider going into one of these disciplines. So about 12 years ago, I assembled a STEM Team at Bob Jones University. The team was designed to use Lego Mindstorm Robotics Kits and travel around to high schools showing young people that robotics ...

Sponsor a Gifted Child to Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

Sponsor a Gifted Child to Camp Infinity

Many people who explore our website are curious as to why Ci is a larger investment than the average church camp.  I would like to clarify the value behind this investment.  We believe in setting up a cost structure that covers the costs to do a STEM camp right. This includes making the best technology available exposing the campers to experts in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math well-trained counselors in STEM & biblical creation apologetics very low camper:counselor ratio exposing campers to information presented though excellent museums of both the biblical and secular world views attracting highly skilled ...

Preparations Continue for Ci 1.0 Stories

Preparations Continue for Ci 1.0

God Knows How to Count! Promoting Ci Across America Blessings & Needs Ci by the Numbers How God is Providing in Amazing Ways!Through starting Camp Infinity, God is teaching us very clearly that HE KNOWS HOW TO COUNT! This was our reaction the other day when we received a scholarship gift for exactly the number of scholarships we had given out earlier that day! (read more) Enhanced Strategies for PromotionWe are purposing to reach home schoolers and are having flyers handed out to everyone who attends Teach Them Diligently conferences in DC and Dallas. If you plan to attend either ...

God Knows How to Count! Camp Infinity

God Knows How to Count!

Through starting Camp Infinity, God is teaching me very clearly that HE KNOWS HOW TO COUNT! This was my reaction the other day when we received a scholarship gift for exactly the number of scholarships we had given out earlier that day! I've been in business most of my life, from selling lemonade alongside the road, mowing lawns and blowing snow off driveways to building software and developing property. But there's something very different about starting a non-profit Gospel ministry like Camp Infinity. Don't get me wrong.  No matter what the venture, for-profit business or not-for-profit Gospel ministry, if a ...

Camp Infinity Investment Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity Investment

Many people who explore our website are curious as to why Ci is a larger investment than the average Christian camp. I would like to clarify the value behind this investment. In order to accomplish all of the activities that I believe God would have us accomplish in the lives of the campers, here’s a summary of how we arrive at our costs for each camp. It is the sum of fixed costs and variable costs. fixed costs (costs we incur regardless how many campers we have) each counselor & teacher  is receiving a week of apologetics training from AiG to ...

Science on the Beach Creation

Science on the Beach

Beaches along the ocean are full of life and science and mystery and intrigue. This week I had the privilege of experiencing the beach at St Simons Island, Georgia, from a very different perspective. The well-known Farmer's Almanac has this advice for when one goes to the beach. A real friend is someone who takes a winter vacation on a sun-drenched beach and does not send a card. I want to share this unique experience so I'm going to challenge their advice. :-) This week, was Living Science Expedition 2014: Science on the Beach. The founder of Living Science, Lance ...

STEM’s Synergy Technology

STEM’s Synergy

STEM is not just doing an activity or lesson that involves science, technology, engineering or mathematics.  STEM is taking the benefits that come from implementing all four of those content areas into an activity.  You are no longer isolating content that is just scientific or mathematical.  The synergy of STEM occurs when the core academic content of the nature and process of Science, the application of Technology, the designing qualities of Engineering, and the universal language of Mathematics interacts to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. These effects should increase the STEM literacy for ...

Do You Have a Gifted Child? Camp Infinity

Do You Have a Gifted Child?

When asked what type of young people are ideal for Camp Infinity, my typical response is "gifted ones with insatiable curiosity." Then I quickly follow up with "gifted in the sense of James 1:17." A gift is not something we earn or deserve. Gifts are given. Therefore, whatever abilities a young person has, they were given to him/her as a gift from the Creator. So the issue isn't if we have gifts, it is: What gifts were given to our children? Why were they given these gifts? What are we doing to teach and prepare them to invest those gifts? Camp ...

Digital Chalk Talks Camp Infinity

Digital Chalk Talks

BITS, Binary Digits, ones and zeroes, have totally transformed the way we live. They have changed the way we do business, listen to music, watch videos, navigate the roads, and even the way we tell stories and share truth. This summer at Camp Infinity, one of our guest speakers is my good friend, Jon Taylor. Jon is an excellent artist who has dedicated his talents to serving the Lord at Answers in Genesis. He has been working with a team of experts on the exhibit designs for the new Ark Encounter, which is having its groundbreaking May 1, 2014!   Jon has ...

There is a God Who Reveals Mysteries Camp Infinity

There is a God Who Reveals Mysteries

Daniel is probably one of the most loved of all the Bible's Old Testament characters. Taken from his home in Jerusalem into Babylonian captivity around 600BC, he was an excellent example of why we are starting Camp Infinity. His refusal to eat the king's food and willingness to be tested for his God-given abilities in science and literature, would make him an excellent STEM student today. We are excited to be putting together the program for this summer's first STEM+Faith program @ Ci. Our focus is on the book and life of Daniel. I absolutely love his proclamation to King ...

An Introduction to the Theology of Technology Blog Technology

An Introduction to the Theology of Technology Blog

We live in a culture driven by technology. It touches everything around us. It plays a critical role in our daily productivity. In short, technology can either make or break the individual. The purpose of this blog is an extension of one of the goals of the Camp Infinity. We want to educate the believer in the proper use of technology for God's glory. This may mean several things: Celebrating the AdvancesIf you're looking for a blog that looks down on new technology, you've come to the wrong place. God has gifted us with extraordinary technological advances over the years. ...

The Backstory: Why We Started Camp Infinity Camp Infinity

The Backstory: Why We Started Camp Infinity

Well, God has been preparing me for years for this exciting and challenging task. Through my work as a computer science professor, board member at Answers in Genesis and The Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center, and as cofounder of The Worthwhile Company, the necessary ideas and skills for Camp Infinity have all come together. Here’s the “short version” of our backstory.   A Computer Science Professor I love computer science and new technologies. I invested 30 years of my life as a professor of computer science at a Christian university. I’ve always believed creating software is one of the ...