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Biblical Creationist Invents Life-Saving Technology

Back in the 1960’s Dr. Raymond Damadian, a scientist with degrees in medical science and biophysics, came up with the idea of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after studying bacteria using nuclear magnetic resonance. At the time, the scientific community called Dr. Damadian a “magnetic quack” for his ideas. But he pressed on, convinced that he could invent a way using magnetic energy to non-invasively detect cancer cells.

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Biblical Creationist Invents Life-Saving Technology

Back in the 1960’s Dr. Raymond Damadian, a scientist with degrees in medical science and biophysics, came up with the idea of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after studying bacteria using nuclear magnetic resonance. At the time, the scientific community called Dr. Damadian a “magnetic quack” for his ideas. But he pressed on, convinced that he could invent a way using magnetic energy to non-invasively detect cancer cells.

Just a few days ago I had my semi-annual brain scan using Dr. Damadian’s world-changing invention, the MRI scanner. His technology worked. Using a strong magnet, a magnetic field, and pulses of radio wave energy, the scanner takes pictures of internal structures such as organs. As the body is scanned, radio waves force naturally occurring hydrogen atoms to realign themselves. As they straighten back into position, they emit energy that the MRI scanner is then able to capture and turn into an image. This method of scanning does not do any damage to the body and is completely non-invasive. It even picks up things that x-rays and CT scans can’t. The MRI scanner is one of the most impacting pieces of medical technology to help humans fight against the immediate effects of the Curse.

Since it’s invention over one billion MRIs have been done and each year another sixty million can be added to that number. Dr. Damadian’s work has saved and benefited countless lives all over the world—including my own. His MRI scanner led to the detection of a non-cancerous tumor in the center of my brain, fixing a pinched sciatic nerve that was causing me debilitating pain in my right leg, and correcting cranial fluid flow problems affecting my wife’s balance. The MRI is truly an incredible piece of technology. 

As I lay inside the MRI scanner tube listening to the wide array of sounds as the huge magnets do their amazing work, I had time to reflect back on the past four years since having the distinct honor of meeting the very man God used to bring about the MRI scanner. This man—a first-class scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and winner of the National Medal of Technology—is exactly the kind of role model I want for our campers at Camp Infinity. You see, Dr. Raymond Damadian is a biblical creationist. He starts with God’s Word and trusts that God will guide and direct his research. His biography expresses his trust in God’s Word,

“In granting us access to His truth, God has gifted us with the ability to make scientific discoveries that reveal things previously known only by Him. Inventions like the MRI simply liberate and unveil His truth for the benefit of mankind, just as it was with His revelations of electricity to Faraday, wireless transmission to Armstrong, electric lighting to Edison, and aerial transport to the Wright brothers. We did not create these truths, but instead merely discovered ways to harness them for our benefit and progress” (Kinley, 11, emphasis original).

“For me, therein lies the real reward of science. Discovery of God’s truth bridges the gap between philosophy and science as well as showing us something greater than the two. Pursuit of truth generates new knowledge—understanding that not only opens up new vistas about God, but also has proven to profoundly impact humanity for good as well” (Kinley, 10, emphasis original).

Answers in Genesis president Ken Ham used a brief clip of this amazing scientist in his 2014 debate with Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” in which Dr. Damadian unashamedly declared his starting point as God’s Word and credited the Lord’s help, and prayer, with the invention of the MRI. He also emphasized this in his biography, “I attribute the invention of the MRI entirely to the Lord’s hand in revealing it to me. I credit His specific intervention to accomplish its reduction to practice” (Kinley, 14).

If you call this great man “great” he will quickly correct you, “No, I am not great. But I serve a great God” (Kinley, 6). What a role model for our campers! Since meeting Dr. Damadian we have had the privilege of hearing him speak at Camp Infinity. (he is speaking again this summer at our 7-Day and 5-Day Overnight Camps) He’s an outstanding speaker and greatly inspirational to all the future scientists and inventors listening to him. His work on the MRI fits in nicely with our Ci 3.0 theme—energy. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Dr. Damadian in the future.

Dr. Damadian’s work has saved millions of lives. God has greatly used his invention for our benefit. It’s medical technology like this that helps us fight against the immediate effects of the Curse. As I constantly remind our campers, the Curse affects us all but, by God’s grace, we are able to temporarily fight against it. But we are never fully able to rid ourselves of the Curse. That’s why we need Jesus Christ, our Savior. He stepped into history as the God-man, lived a sinless life, and died on the Cross, taking our penalty of death upon Himself (2 Corinthians 5:21), so that all who believe will have eternal life with Him (John 3:16) where the Curse has been completely removed (Revelation 22:3).

If your science-minded young person could benefit from hearing from world-class creation scientists such as Dr. Damadian and from learning a proper theology of technology, consider sending them to Ci 3.0. They will be encouraged to boldly stand on the authority of God’s Word and study His Creation for His glory. Learn more at CampInfinity.com/camps. Apply today for one of our Ci 3.0 Summer experiences so your camper can be influenced by men and women like Dr Damadian. We are pleased to have Dr Damadian speaking at our 7-Day and 5-Day Overnight camps!!


Kinley, Jeff. Gifted Mind: The Dr. Raymond Damadian Story, Inventor of the MRI. Green Forest, AR, Master Books, 2015.

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Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Jason Goff

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Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Bryan Malik

Bryan Malik is the President of the Board of Advisors for Camp Infinity

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Jeremy Ervin

Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings.

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Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Max Lorentz

Max Lorentz has loved science (and astronomy in particular) since childhood. He enjoys sharing it with others, especially with young people. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate and is currently completing a Ph.D. in astronomy.

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Robert Ring

RJ is a blog writer for Camp Infinity and a student at Bob Jones University majoring in engineering. He loves considering the science and technology claims of science fiction stories. He also loves reading. Throughout his life he has been a dreamer, imagining a never ending series of what ifs and maybes. From a young age, God gave him a passion for learning all he could about the world around him.
