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When it Comes to Technology, Don’t Discount Discernment for Your Digital Native

Yes, your kid is “smart,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean “wise” or “efficient.”

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When it Comes to Technology, Don’t Discount Discernment for Your Digital Native

Yes, your kid is “smart,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean “wise” or “efficient.”

Do you remember the days before cell phones and the Internet?

I can remember as a young person asking my grandma, “What was life like before you had a television?” She chuckled a bit and answered that she had no idea what was missing. Many of today’s young people probably can ask us the question, “What was it like having to watch TV for entertainment?”

If you’re anything like me, you grew up in a time before cellphones and the Internet. We are “digital immigrants.” The closest thing I ever got to communicating with anyone on the other side of the world was listening to shortwave radio. (One of my favorite past times was to write the different radio stations to let them know I could hear their signal ‘loud and clear’!)

As I see my 3-year-old boy learn how to interact with learning apps on the iPad, it becomes very apparent that his brain is being wired in a completely different way than mine was in an analog world. My wife and I have had countless discussions about screen time and should he even have access to these technologies that weren’t around when we were growing up.

Have you ever thought: I’m glad I’m not a teenager in today’s world?!

Back in the day, getting into trouble meant being grounded or not having access to a car for a period of time. Today, “digital natives” can have their reputations destroyed in an instant by posting something foolish on social media. I, for one, am thankful for not having a smartphone during those teen years!

Yes, your kid is “smart,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean “wise” or “efficient.”

As parents we have an awesome responsibility to use our discernment to help raise our children to properly use the gifts that technology provides. Tech can make us more efficient, but it can also be a distraction.

With our son, we’ve decided that there are helpful applications that help him to learn how to solve problems and learn how to use letters and numbers. The world he will live in will require a knowledge of these digital technologies. As he grows up in this technology-driven world I’m thankful that he’ll be able to benefit from God-honoring resources like Camp Infinity.

Camp Infinity seeks to help parents by inspiring their young people to use technology to glorify their Creator. Learn more about how your inquisitive child can experience exciting science, grow their faith, and make lasting memories by participating in one of our STEM camps. Visit our website for more information.  

Picture of Jason Goff

Jason Goff

Jason is the social media manager for Camp Infinity. He loves helping us tell the stories of Ci through the digital mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Picture of Jason Goff
Jason Goff

Jason is the social media manager for Camp Infinity. He loves helping us tell the stories of Ci through the digital mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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