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You’ll Know How to “Speak Drone” After Reading This

One of the most amazing aspects of being created in the image of God is our ability to develop new words–even entire languages! Over the past 2 months of attending the “School of Hard Knocks,” majoring in drone technology, I’ve learned a new vocabulary of terms.

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You’ll Know How to “Speak Drone” After Reading This

One of the most amazing aspects of being created in the image of God is our ability to develop new words–even entire languages! Over the past 2 months of attending the “School of Hard Knocks,” majoring in drone technology, I’ve learned a new vocabulary of terms.

Director Dan’s Notes: “Don’t ever be too proud to ask ‘What does that mean?’”

New technologies create new cultures of people who embrace them. Think about it, 15 years ago, only a small percentage of Internet users even knew what the term “Google it” meant! On top of that, learning the acronyms associated with language can be just as crucial–we see that efficiency every day when we send text messages! When learning new acronyms, don’t ever be too proud to ask “What does that mean?” We all know what LOL means now, but there was a time when some of us thought it meant “lots of love” instead of “laugh out loud.” 

Since I attended the School of Hard Knocks, you don’t have to take the drone vocabulary test. I’ve compiled it for you here :) (I’ve bolded the terms I knew from other disciplines, so you may want to pay careful attention to those terms.)

AGL = Above Ground Level
AMA = Academy of Model Aeronautics
AMSL = Above Mean Sea Level
ARTF or ARF = Almost ready to fly
ASL = Above Sea Level
ATTI = Attitude
AUW = All Up Weight
BNF = Bind n Fly (transmitter)
BTU= Blue Tooth Unit
BLOS = Beyond line of sight
BVLOS = Beyond visual line of sight
Cal= Calibration
CAA = Civil Aviation Authority (UK Regulator)
CAAS = Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore Regulator)
CL = Course Lock
COA = Certificate of Waiver or Authorization
CSC combination stick command
ESC= electronic speed controller
EVLOS = extended visual line of sight
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration (US Regulator)
FPV = first person view
FS = Failsafe
GHz = Gigahertz
GPS = Global Positioning System

HL = Home Lock
IR = Internal Resistance
IOC = Intelligent Orientation Control
IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit
LHCP = Left Hand Circular Polarized
LiPo = Lithium-Polymer (battery)
LOS = Line of sight
MC = Main controller
MHz = Megahertz
MSL = Mean Sea Level
Nicad = Nickel Cadmium (battery)
NOTAM = Notice to Airmen
POI = Point of Interest
RHCP = Right Hand Circular Polarized
RTF = Ready to fly
RTH = Return To Home
RTM = Read The Manual - personally I prefer WTV - watch the video ;-)
Rx = Receiver
SOC = State Of Charge
SUA = Small Unmanned Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)
SUSA = Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)
sUAS = Small unmanned aircraft system (what the FAA calls what we fly)
Tx = Transmitter
UAV = Unmanned aerial vehicle
VLOS = Visual line of sight
VRS = Vortex Ring State
VTx - Video Transmitter
VRx - Video Receiver
VPS = Visual Positioning System

I’m very excited to introduce drone technology into our upcoming Ci 3.0 STEM activities this summer! Read more about our many summer camp opportunities and also check out how I went about compiling this list of terms by taking a drone apart and rebuilding it (so you don’t have to). 

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Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings.

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Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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Max Lorentz

Max Lorentz has loved science (and astronomy in particular) since childhood. He enjoys sharing it with others, especially with young people. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate and is currently completing a Ph.D. in astronomy.

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Robert Ring

RJ is a blog writer for Camp Infinity and a student at Bob Jones University majoring in engineering. He loves considering the science and technology claims of science fiction stories. He also loves reading. Throughout his life he has been a dreamer, imagining a never ending series of what ifs and maybes. From a young age, God gave him a passion for learning all he could about the world around him.
