Because they start with man’s opinion, rather than God’s Word, evolutionists do not have a proper understanding of the purpose of this earth or our proper place in it. They view earth as the result of natural processes over million of years and often see humans as a blight on the earth. Everything was fine until mankind evolved to come along and wreck it. They elevate nature above mankind and worship it as if it were some kind of god. Sadly many young people will be taught this perspective today in public schools as they participate in Earth Day activities. They will be encouraged to worship creation, rather than the Creator.
Here at Camp Infinity young people will learn about God’s creation from a biblical perspective. They will learn the real reason for creation; to glorify God and to direct people to worship Him (Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20). And they will also be taught man’s proper place in creation. Man was created to “fill the earth and subdue it” and “have dominion” (Genesis 1:28). Now, this doesn’t mean we are to recklessly use the earth for our own gain. This does not fit with the character of the God whose image we are created in (Genesis 1:27). God delights in His creation and so should we (Genesis 1:31) as we “tend and keep it” as Adam was supposed to do for the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15). Instead of worshipping mere created things, we are to bring glory and direct our worship towards the only one who deserves it—our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a difference it makes when you start with the Bible!
This is an important message for young people today to hear. The world throws all kind of lies at them and they must be firmly grounded in God’s Word to be able to sort truth from error. Our passion at Camp Infinity is to provide young people with a firm foundation so that they can think biblically about all kinds of issues from how to treat the environment to how to think biblically about technology.
Camp Infinity not only teaches young people the “what’s” and “how’s” of science and technology, we inspire them to understand the “why’s” as presented in the Bible. What a difference it makes to have a student understand from God’s Word what God desires of them concerning the earth and the talents and abilities He has blessed them with. Is this type of camp a good investment for your young person this summer? Our Ci 3.0 summer camps are filling up, but we still have a few spots open. Apply today at
You can learn more about a biblical perspective of Earth Day in this article by Avery Foley of Answers in Genesis.