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Two Ministries; One Mission

Camp Infinity and Answers in Genesis—two different ministries, one mission.

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Two Ministries; One Mission

Camp Infinity and Answers in Genesis—two different ministries, one mission.

Answers in Genesis (AiG) is a well-known creation ministry headed up by president Ken Ham. In Northern Kentucky, they have built the world-class Creation Museum (visited by over 2 million guests) and are building the coming Ark Encounter, a full-size Noah’s Ark opening July 7, 2016. AiG employs full-time, PhD creation research scientists, publishes Answers magazine as well as a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, Answers Research Journal. They even have a vibrant international ministry reaching out to Christians and unbelievers all around the world.

AiG’s mission is biblical authority. They seek to equip the church, families, and individual Christians to stand on the authority of God’s Word and to start their thinking there. Through solid research and apologetics they show that science confirms God’s Word from the very beginning. Now, if this mission sounds familiar, it’s probably because you’ve heard the same mission from us here at Camp Infinity!

Although we’re two separate ministries, AiG and Ci work closely together because we share the same mission. Both ministries want to see Christians start their thinking with God’s Word and understand that science confirms Scripture. We’re thrilled to be able to work so closely with AiG. Our missions are actually so well aligned that, this summer, two of our Summer Team members are from talented AiG staff families! These young people recognize how vital the message of biblical authority is and they want to be involved with Ci as counselors.

This summer as dozens of science-minded young people come to Ci to learn about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), they will learn about so much more. Through hands-on teaching and experimentation, sessions with AiG scientists, a tour of the Creation Museum, and more, young people will learn to start their thinking with God’s Word. They will see how the eyewitness testimony of the Creator makes sense of what we see in the world. And they will clearly see how science confirms God’s Word from the very beginning. 

We praise the Lord that we are able to train and equip the next generation of young people to love and do science for His glory and praise, trusting in His Word. If your young person would benefit from attending Camp Infinity, apply today!

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Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Featured Authors

Picture of Jason Goff
Jason Goff

Jason is the social media manager for Camp Infinity. He loves helping us tell the stories of Ci through the digital mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Bryan Malik
Bryan Malik

Bryan Malik is the President of the Board of Advisors for Camp Infinity

Picture of Jeremy Ervin
Jeremy Ervin

Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Max Lorentz
Max Lorentz

Max Lorentz has loved science (and astronomy in particular) since childhood. He enjoys sharing it with others, especially with young people. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate and is currently completing a Ph.D. in astronomy.

Picture of Robert Ring
Robert Ring

RJ is a blog writer for Camp Infinity and a student at Bob Jones University majoring in engineering. He loves considering the science and technology claims of science fiction stories. He also loves reading. Throughout his life he has been a dreamer, imagining a never ending series of what ifs and maybes. From a young age, God gave him a passion for learning all he could about the world around him.
