Picture related to December 2016 Newsletter

December 2016 Newsletter

Christmas -- The One who created everything, the Infinite One, loves me so much that He was willing to separate Himself from His only legacy, His son Jesus Christ, in order to provide for me the free gift of eternal life. Like all gifts, the only thing I do is receive it. Sounds so simple.

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December 2016 Newsletter

Christmas -- The One who created everything, the Infinite One, loves me so much that He was willing to separate Himself from His only legacy, His son Jesus Christ, in order to provide for me the free gift of eternal life. Like all gifts, the only thing I do is receive it. Sounds so simple.

A BIT of News from Ci

Merry Christmas from Camp Infinity

  • Christmas Meditation
  • Ci 4.0 Summer Schedule -- Accepting Applications
  • Ci 4.0 Fall Events -- Growing Ci
  • Ci 4.0 Recruiting -- Building Ci 4.0 Summer Team
  • Creation Under the Stars -- Ci Remote Camps are Born!
  • Ci Community Outreach -- Coaching FIRST Lego League Team
  • Ci on Social Media 
  • Ci Blogs 
  • Ci by the Numbers
  • Blessings & Needs
  • Scholarship Needs
Christmas Meditations

Christmas -- The One who created everything, the Infinite One, loves me so much that He was willing to separate Himself from His only legacy, His son Jesus Christ, in order to provide for me the free gift of eternal life. Like all gifts, the only thing I do is receive it. Sounds so simple.

But human nature is filled with selfishness and self centeredness and pride which causes me to want to earn eternal life through my works, my goodness. To receive this gift, I have to humble myself and admit I cannot save myself from sin. Wow, what a Savior!!!

Ci 4.0 Summer Schedule -- Accepting Applications

We are accepting applications for all of our Ci 4.0 Summer Camps. Whether you are a former Ci camper or prospective one, go to our website and apply for the camp you are interested in.

Here's a brief overview of how it works:

  • select a camp 
  • create a family account (for new families)
  • add a camper
  • apply to the camp you selected
  • check your inbox for the confirmation email

There is NO CHARGE to apply. We will send out acceptance notifications via email and also on your Family Dashboard.

To begin the process of signing your young person or family up for one of our inspirational STEM & apologetics camps, go to http://campinfinity.com/camps.

College Apologetics Fusion           June 21 - 24 
Family STEM Camp                      July 2 - 5
Teen Day Camp #1                       July 3 - 5
Teen Day Camp #2                       July 6 - 8
Junior Day Camp #1                     July 3 - 5
Junior Day Camp #2                     July 6 - 8
Overnight Youth Camp #1            June 26 - July 1
Overnight Youth Camp #2            July 10 - 15
Overnight Youth Camp #3            July 17 - 22
STEM Camp @ BJU                    July 23 - 28

Ci 4.0 Fall Events -- Growing Ci

Our fall schedule continues to expand as the Lord opens new doors for us to inspire young people in STEM from a biblical worldview. We did Ci Mobile Camps in Jacksonville, FL, Cocoa Beach, FL, Grant County, KY; Ci Mini Camp with a school from Greenville, SC; attended our first Christian Camp & Conference Association national conference in Nashville, TN. In addition, we ran our first Ci Remote Camp in Arizona and recruited counselors in Ohio and South Carolina. Here are a few photos highlighting these events. 
Campers Learn Conflicting Worldviews of
Creation vs Evolution @ Big Bone Lick State Park
Campers Learn Solid Bible Answers @ Noah's Ark

Ci 4.0 Recruiting -- Building Ci 4.0 Summer Team

Each new camp season begins with building the Summer Team. This involves contacting past team members as well as recruiting at several colleges. This fall we've visited Bob Jones University (SC) & Cedarville University (OH). So far we have received 17 initial applications and 11 final apps. Please pray as we consider who the Lord would have us invite to assist us in carrying out our mission with our campers. This is our first year to receive applications from former Ci campers!! If you know of any who would be a good fit for Ci, please direct them to http://campinfinity.com/apply.

Creation Under the Stars -- Ci Remote Camps are Born!

In October we ran our first Ci Remote Camp at Grand View Camp in Arizona. Ci Remote Camps are designed to take our unique blend of STEM & biblical apologetics to other camps who are seeking to use STEM to inspire their campers to glorify God in science & technology. This camp was designed for students in grade six through high school and had an emphasis in ASTRONOMY and ROBOTICS. Students were hosted by trained counselors and staff from Grand View Camp. Staff from Camp Infinity ran the STEM activities throughout the weekend, and our main sessions were taught by Dr. Danny Faulkner, from Answers in Genesis. Danny also serves on the board of Camp Infinity.

Ci Community Outreach -- Coaching FIRST Lego League Team

This fall, we coached a first year robotics club to be able to compete in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Lego League. An international competition designed to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. 

We led a team of 10 4th-6th graders. It was an excellent opportunity for us to use our technology and techniques to bring them from little knowledge to a level in which they placed 7 out of 16. Many of the teams they competed against were 8th grades who had a lot more experience, so needless to say, we were very pleased with how far they have come. We plan to continue working with them to prepare multiple teams to compete next year. 

Ci on Social Media
Ci by the Numbers 
Measurements of Growth Nov 2015 Nov 2016
Total Creation Museum & Ark Impact Hours 10,428 17,957
Newsletter Recipients 1365 2616
Ci Summer Total Campers 156 312
Ci Mobile Total Campers 106 599
Ci Mini Total Campers 200 305
Website Visitors 2012 2425
Facebook Likes 1050 1535
Instagram Followers 607 1534
Twitter Followers 407 1782
Facebook Reach 14,847 13,390

Blessings & Needs 
  • BLESSING: our 3rd successful summer of camps inspiring young people to love God and trust His Word
  • BLESSING: thanks to the amazing and overwhelming generosity of our donors, we were able to become the exclusive sponsor of the new Fossil Find attraction at the Ark Encounter
  • BLESSING: God gave our campers first hand exposure to the hopelessness of the evolutionary worldview by allowing them to give Bill Nye "the science guy" a tour through the Creation Museum
  • BLESSING: we were able to promote Ci at 5 home school conferences, offering our Robots & God workshops at several of them
  • BLESSING: we've made excellent contacts this fall with great summer staff candidates all of whom 1) love God 2) love STEM 3) love kids 4) love young earth creation
  • BLESSING: Grand View Camp in Arizona hosted our first Ci Remote Camp with our robots and astronomer Dr Danny Faulkner
  • BLESSING: thankful to find a professional camping organization (Christian Camp and Conference Association) to assist us in our efforts to provide the best possible camp experience for our campers
  • BLESSING: coached our first robotics team to compete in FIRST Lego League
  • PRAYER REQUEST: wisdom to select the right people to join Ci 4.0 Summer Team
  • PRAYER REQUEST: donations for Ci 4.0 scholarship fund, our goal is $50,000
  • PRAYER REQUEST: for our counselors be to able to raise 50% of their support
  • PRAYER REQUEST: wisdom to create another inspiring STEM program for Ci 4.0
  • PRAYER REQUEST: replace our aging laptops which we use in our robotics workshops
  • PRAYER REQUEST: recruit 200 campers for Ci 4.0
  • PRAYER REQUEST: more schools to participate in our Ci Mini and Ci Mobile camps
Scholarship Needs

It is hard to believe we are entering our fourth year of camp! The results are strong that we've built something that resonates with Christian families who have children that love science, technology, engineering and math and desire that they be taught from a young earth creation worldview.  It is now time to focus on connecting with those the Lord might have partner with us to provide much needed scholarships for families who need some help with the higher than normal camp investment for their child. 

We have scheduled 5 weeks of camp this summer with the goal of reaching 200 campers. Our goal this summer for our Ci 4.0 Scholarship Fund is $50,000.  In addition to providing scholarships and financial aid for campers, we are expanding our fund to help us be able to reduce the cost of camp.  We are asking our counselors to seek help to raise part of their support costs.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us? Here are 3 ways you can donate to the Scholarship Fund:

  • securely on our website - click here
  • via PayPal - click here
  • check - made out to Camp Infinity, sent to 122 Montverde Drive, Greenville, SC 29609

Your entire donation will be used to help academically gifted and financially needy students attend Ci 4.0. Camp Infinity is a registered 501c3 with the IRS.

The following are comments from campers and parents regarding the help they received from our gracious donors to our Ci 3.0 Scholarship Fund:

The camp impacted our son so much that he became determined to attend again to learn as much as he could about God in science.  This time, he had to pay for himself and literally used his lifetime of savings.  Without the scholarship, he would never have been able to do it.  As a parent, it is so exciting to see your child on fire for the Lord, to see his eyes full of light and excitement to explain to people how you can see God's hand at work in the scientific realm.

Our daughter, because of your generosity, was able to attend Camp Infinity. What a joy it was as parents to see how camp expanded her understanding of creation and a biblical worldview.  It brought clarity where previously there was confusion. She is better equipped to defend her faith. She has come home with a passion and deeper love of God. Already she has had the opportunity to articulate and defend her faith. We know that the experiences and equipping her received from attending Camp Infinity will be life altering. Thank you for giving her the opportunity to walk into the fullness of God's calling on her life.

We trust you and your family will have a wonderful Christmas as you contemplate the birth of Christ. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at Camp Infinity!
Dan Wooster
Founder & Director
Camp Infinity, Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Featured Authors

Picture of Jason Goff
Jason Goff

Jason is the social media manager for Camp Infinity. He loves helping us tell the stories of Ci through the digital mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Bryan Malik
Bryan Malik

Bryan Malik is the President of the Board of Advisors for Camp Infinity

Picture of Jeremy Ervin
Jeremy Ervin

Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Max Lorentz
Max Lorentz

Max Lorentz has loved science (and astronomy in particular) since childhood. He enjoys sharing it with others, especially with young people. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate and is currently completing a Ph.D. in astronomy.

Picture of Robert Ring
Robert Ring

RJ is a blog writer for Camp Infinity and a student at Bob Jones University majoring in engineering. He loves considering the science and technology claims of science fiction stories. He also loves reading. Throughout his life he has been a dreamer, imagining a never ending series of what ifs and maybes. From a young age, God gave him a passion for learning all he could about the world around him.
