Being an academic camp, it is our desire to insure that campers come to our Ci Summer Camps understanding and want our unique approach to STEM & biblical worldview. Therefore, we require each camper's parent to submit an application before we allow registration. This is not intended to scare away any would-be campers, but is meant to help parents assess if the Ci Summer Camp experience is a good fit for their young person.
Here’s an outline of the process for a student to attend one of our Ci Summer Camps:
* these are new steps to our registration system
Apply today - As the Lord provides through the generosity of donors, we seek to maintain both financial aid and scholarship funds. These funds are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis to those who qualify. Pray the Lord will continue to supply these funds for those He knows need it in order to attend a Ci Summer Camp.
There is no obligation with an application, but it does reserve your child’s place in a Ci 3.0 Camp.