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Ci 2.0 Promoting and Progress

April 2015 Newsletter

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Ci 2.0 Promoting and Progress

April 2015 Newsletter

A BIT of News from Ci
Ci 2.0 Promoting and Progress

  • Ci 2.0 != Ci 1.0
  • Theology of Technology Talks
  • Staff Recruitment
  • Child Safety Conference
  • School Year Programs Continue to Grow 
  • Meet Ci 2.0 Team
  • Ci by the Numbers
  • Blessings & Needs
  • Ci on Facebook
  • Where in the World is Charlie Bot?
  • Help us Promote Ci 2.0
Ci 2.0 != Ci 1.0
One of the questions Ci 1.0 parents ask about Ci 2.0 is "Will my child be challenged given they attended Ci 1.0?"  While we recognize that this is a valid concern, we want to put everyone's mind to rest on this issue.  While the structure of Ci 2.0 will be very similar to last summer, the activities will vary in two distinct ways.  First, we will have new STEM activities that will be sure to challenge all campers.  Second, campers will experience some of the most popular activities from last summer; however, the very nature of STEM activities allows us to add additional challenges to these activities so as to mentally engage even the most experienced STEM students.  

While our 7-Day camp will continue to be our premiere experience, we have recognized that the investment level is out of the reach of some families.  Therefore, we are offering a 5-Day and a 3-Day version which will provide students with an excellent exposure to STEM and apologetics while keeping the cost down.

Theology of Technology Talks
One of the distinctives that sets Ci apart from other STEM camps is that we do not just teach technology for technology's sake.  We challenge the students to develop biblical discernment to the application of technology in their lives.  We accomplish this teaching of discernment through our daily Theology of Technology Talks.  In future newsletters, we will share some of these talks so our readers can be exposed to this distinctive which sets Ci apart from other camps.

Staff Recruitment
Recognizing that true spiritual ministry happens heart to heart, we seek to establish strong relationships with Christian colleges in order to identify counselors with the following characteristics:
  • studies a STEM major in college
  • exhibits a vibrant walk with Christ among their peers
  • embraces the Young Earth Creation worldview
  • demonstrates a passion for loving young people and seeing them learn
This year we have had the privilege of visiting Anderson University (IN), Bob Jones University (SC), Cedarville University (OH) and Clearwater Christian College (FL) from which to recruit our Ci 2.0 summer staff. We are thankful for the schools from which we seek gems to put before our campers to accomplish our philosophy of CAMP (Creation Apologetics Made Personal). We praise the Lord for the 13 summer staff we have contracted thus far. We are still in need a few more good men who meet these characteristics. Please pray the Lord will provide. 

Child Safety Conference
Ci staff enjoy enhancing each camper's experience. Part of making camp an enjoyable experience is making it safe for each camper. This month we were able to attend a conference to learn more about making Ci a safer place. It was reassuring to know that the child safety policies and practices we have instituted are in alignment with the recommendations of child safety experts. 

Ci Mini and Mobile Continue to Grow
In addition to our summer programs, we also offer programs during the school year.  We call these Ci Mini and Ci Mobile.  We are happy to have registered two schools for fall Ci Minis.  We have also registered two Ci Mobiles for the fall.  If you know of a school or homeschool group that would like to engage its students with STEM and apologetics, more information is available for Ci Mini and Ci Mobile on our website. 

The Ci Team enjoyed engaging the hearts and challenging the minds of a group of homeschoolers (from both the PEP and Classical Conversations organizations) in Jacksonville, Florida, in one of our Ci Mobile events. Thank you to one of our Ci 1.0 families, the Mitchells, who hosted us and put this event together! The students and parents were so excited that we have booked a date with them for November! Contact us to schedule this event that will engage your students with STEM and robotics within a biblical worldview.

Meet Ci 2.0 Team
In this issue we continue introducing our God-provided Ci 2.0 Team members - our guy counselors. Here is how they answered the question "why do you want to be part of the Ci 2.0 Team?"

Jeremiah Gilbert, Counselor 2nd Year
I was a counselor in Ci 1.0 and really enjoyed it. I probably learned more than I was able to pass on to my campers. But I believe experience is the best teacher. And there are many opportunities at Ci to get involved in. Museums, straw towers, small zip line models, fossils, and speakers. All these events and activities have something to say about science, technology, and God. My favorite part about Ci is testing other worldviews and reaffirming myself that God has shown Himself to be true throughout His creation. You will not leave Camp Infinity without wanting to learn more about God.

David Denning, Counselor
I chose to be a part of Camp Infinity 2.0 because I realized what an amazing opportunity the camp provides for me to use the technical passion and skills that God has given me to make a difference for His kingdom. Additionally, I believe that the camp will strengthen my personal Christian and Creation apologetics through teaching kids and young adults the truth about the world around them. And finally, I believe that the knowledge gained from Camp Infinity will give me a greater personal appreciation and worship of God through a better personal understanding of His Creation.

James Reynolds, Counselor
Given a keen understanding of science and armed with an endless sense of curiosity, God has made me to be an engineer. My responsibilities as a Christian engineer, though, extend beyond subduing the earth. I strive to spread the message of salvation from sin through Jesus Christ and raise up the next generation of believers to find and develop their talents for our Creator, God. Camp Infinity fulfills both. We proclaim Christ to every camper and equip them to combat error with truth. At the same time, we nurture their understanding of God through the study of His created universe. In light of eternity, there is no higher calling for me than counseling at Camp Infinity.

Joseph Richardson, Counselor
From the time I first heard of Ci it sounded intriguing. I mean, who’s ever heard of a Christian STEM camp? Make that Christianity, STEM, and apologetics, and I knew it was right up my alley. Practically everything I love rolled up in one! I began praying about it as I wanted to take this summer as an opportunity to do something for God rather than money and career, and Ci seemed to be a good way to do so. About half a week after interviewing, I decided that, as far as I could discern, this was something God would have me do; so, I signed the contract.

Ci by the Numbers 
Measurements of Growth April 2015
Facebook Likes 813
Newsletter Recipients 922
Summer Staff Contracted 13
"STEM camp Bible" Google Search
First Page References to Ci
Camper Applications Received 97
Campers Registered 73
Ci 1.0 Campers Registered for 2.0 45%
Visitors to Website Last Month 1679
Facebook Reaches 22,619
Facebook Post Likes 394
Ci Mobile Total Student Hours 304
Charlie Bot Friends 53

Blessings & Needs
  • Ci 2.0 applications have exceeded Ci 1.0
  • Ci 2.0 registrations have exceeded Ci 1.0
  • Contracted 
    • Program Manager
    • Lead Counselor
    • 2 STEM teachers
    • 9 counselors
  • 80 $300 scholarships received toward our goal of 85
  • 70+ campers have registered for our 4 camps
  • PRAYER REQUEST: 1 additional guy counselor
  • PRAYER REQUEST: 5 $300 scholarships for Ci 2.0 scholarship fund
  • PRAYER REQUEST: 160 campers, average 40 per camp
  • PRAYER REQUEST: promotion of our new Conflicting Worldview College Camp
  • PRAYER REQUEST: property

Ci on Facebook

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein

At Ci we seek to partner with parents to teach their young people to ask good questions and find answers that are consistent with biblical truth.

Scholarships still available for Ci 2.0 summer camps. Apply to see if your child qualifies.

To see more STEM & apologetics posts, like us on Facebook.

Where in the World is Charlie Bot?
Hello, I am the mascot for Camp Infinity. Ci as I like to call it. Ci is a very unique camp for very unique students. What makes Ci so unique is that it is a STEM camp, of which there are thousands, but built upon a biblical worldview. So we not only teach our students about things like robotics, but we also teach the Bible. 

What makes me unique is that I am a robot. I was made by Ben Case, a member of the summer staff of Ci 2.0. I travel around the world helping young people understand the difference between being made by man and being created by the Creator. 

My Facebook page allows me to journal my travels so Ci campers, Ci parents, Ci counselors, Ci teachers, Ci scholarship donors, and Ci speakers can follow me on my STEM & apologetics adventures around the globe. 

So friend me and see all the exciting places I go as I promote the most exciting camp on this planet, Camp Infinity!!

Help us Promote Ci 2.0?
We are excited about the increasing interest in Camp Infinity. We have added 3 new camps this year and could use your help getting the word out. We are trying to fill the following camps:
  • College Camp, May 19-22
  • Day Camp, June 24-26
  • 7-Day Camp, July 5-11
  • 5-Day Camp, July 13-17
We have scholarships and financial aid available for the 7-Day and 5-Day camps. No obligation to apply. Please point folks to our website for details and to apply. If you would like some promotional brochures to hand out in your church, school or otherwise, send us your mailing address and how many you would like. We would be happy to drop them in the mail for you. Email [email protected]. Thanks for praying and thanks for promoting!! We are excited about the 70+ who have registered so far. Our goal is for 160, 40 at each camp. 

If you would like to help us reach our scholarship goal of 85, please donate to our Scholarship Donation Fund which partners with families with academically gifted students who cannot afford the full cost of a STEM camp, you can donate securely using PayPal. Designate your donation to [email protected] which is registered with PayPal or use this secure donation link. If you would prefer to write a check, make it out to "Camp Infinity" and mail to 122 Montverde Drive, Greenville, SC 29609. Your entire donation will be used to help academically gifted and financially needy students attend Ci 2.0. Camp Infinity is a registered 501c3 with the IRS.

Thank you for your interest and prayers for Ci. We rejoice as we see God's hand in directing our team to promote Ci across the country. We are having our 4th meeting this Thursday. Plans are well under way for another exciting summer of inspiring STEM & biblical apologetics camps!

Dan Wooster
Founder & Director
Camp Infinity, Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Featured Authors

Picture of Jason Goff
Jason Goff

Jason is the social media manager for Camp Infinity. He loves helping us tell the stories of Ci through the digital mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Bryan Malik
Bryan Malik

Bryan Malik is the President of the Board of Advisors for Camp Infinity

Picture of Jeremy Ervin
Jeremy Ervin

Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Max Lorentz
Max Lorentz

Max Lorentz has loved science (and astronomy in particular) since childhood. He enjoys sharing it with others, especially with young people. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate and is currently completing a Ph.D. in astronomy.

Picture of Robert Ring
Robert Ring

RJ is a blog writer for Camp Infinity and a student at Bob Jones University majoring in engineering. He loves considering the science and technology claims of science fiction stories. He also loves reading. Throughout his life he has been a dreamer, imagining a never ending series of what ifs and maybes. From a young age, God gave him a passion for learning all he could about the world around him.
