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Meet Our New Director

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Meet Our New Director

Dan Wooster, founder of Camp Infinity, recently resigned as our director. Having served in this capacity for six years, Dan’s devotion built Camp Infinity into the successful STEM camp ministry that it has become. We will greatly miss Dan’s leadership.

At the same time, we are pleased to announce Ben Torkelson as interim director of Camp Infinity. Ben has extensive experience with camp ministry in his native Alaska. And Ben is no stranger to Camp Infinity, having helped in our summer programs the past four years. Ben is quite familiar with Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, which have been a focus of camp activities. Since our summer programs are in northern Kentucky, it is a plus to have a resident of the area as our interim director. During the transition, Ben will be working with Camp Infinity related events this spring. Welcome aboard, Ben.

Picture of Camp Infinity

Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Featured Authors

Picture of Jason Goff
Jason Goff

Jason is the social media manager for Camp Infinity. He loves helping us tell the stories of Ci through the digital mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Bryan Malik
Bryan Malik

Bryan Malik is the President of the Board of Advisors for Camp Infinity

Picture of Jeremy Ervin
Jeremy Ervin

Dr. Jeremy Ervin is the Inaugural Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University. With his experience in providing professional learning for K-12 teachers and his time teaching pedagogy in higher education, he recognizes how the 21st Century classroom needs to center on the engagement of the learner with enduring understandings.

Picture of Camp Infinity
Camp Infinity

Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

Picture of Max Lorentz
Max Lorentz

Max Lorentz has loved science (and astronomy in particular) since childhood. He enjoys sharing it with others, especially with young people. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate and is currently completing a Ph.D. in astronomy.

Picture of Robert Ring
Robert Ring

RJ is a blog writer for Camp Infinity and a student at Bob Jones University majoring in engineering. He loves considering the science and technology claims of science fiction stories. He also loves reading. Throughout his life he has been a dreamer, imagining a never ending series of what ifs and maybes. From a young age, God gave him a passion for learning all he could about the world around him.
