Picture related to Cutting-Edge Research on an Allosaurus Skull at the Creation Museum

Cutting-Edge Research on an Allosaurus Skull at the Creation Museum

If you’ve visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg,Kentucky, you probably stared in awe at the massive skeleton in the “Facing the Allosaurus” exhibit. This 2.3-ton dinosaur, nicknamed Ebenezer, featured a three-foot long skull and over 50 serrated teeth. It certainly was a fearsome creature! Using cutting-edge technology, scientists at the Creation Museum have been able to peer inside Ebenezer’s brain cavity.

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Cutting-Edge Research on an Allosaurus Skull at the Creation Museum

If you’ve visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg,Kentucky, you probably stared in awe at the massive skeleton in the “Facing the Allosaurus” exhibit. This 2.3-ton dinosaur, nicknamed Ebenezer, featured a three-foot long skull and over 50 serrated teeth. It certainly was a fearsome creature! Using cutting-edge technology, scientists at the Creation Museum have been able to peer inside Ebenezer’s brain cavity.

Taking a look inside the brain cavity of a dinosaur takes some specialized equipment. Only a handful of engineering companies even have the necessary technology. Answers in Genesis (AiG) partnered with 3D Engineering Solutions of Cincinnati, Ohio, to perform a CT scan of the Allosaurus skull. As far as AiG knows, this is the first time an Allosaurus skull has ever been scanned. This scan shows the size and shape of the brain case, as well as the lines where the bones fused as Ebenezer grew. This is exciting research!

Ebenezer’s skull is one of the best-preserved Allosaurus skulls ever uncovered. It is 97% complete and includes 53 teeth. What makes it even more unique is that it still has the hyoid bones (they anchored the allosaur’s tongue and larynx muscles). Hyoid bones are almost never intact.

This is cutting-edge, never before been done, research by creation scientists. We’re often told “creationists can’t be scientists!” but that’s completely untrue. Creationists make great scientists and this research is a great example of that! It will be exciting to see what the researchers find over the coming months. Eventually the scans will be released so other researchers can study them and we can learn even more about this incredible creature God created.

You can learn more about the CT scans, meet the engineers, and even get a peek inside the brain cavity in this Facebook live video from AiG's president Ken Ham. Due to technical difficulties (we live in a fallen world after all!), it was recorded in two parts. You can watch part one here and part two here.

During our Camp Infinity summer camps, we tour the Creation Museum, including the “Facing the Allosaurus” exhibit. Join us this summer to learn about science, including geology and paleontology, from a biblical perspective, with teaching by real creation scientists. Learn more or submit a no obligation application to see which of our camps is a best fit for your child at CampInfinity.com/camps.


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Where Science & Technology Meet Truth

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